(Scene, a small rise in the Egyptian desert, above a long abandoned set of ruins. A large dust storm approaches from the Dead Lands. A figure swathed in black, his face covered in scars stares out as it, shaking his head. Riding up the rise a black clad messanger on a blown horse appears)
"Arbeth Bay, it is as we feared, the great death awakens." The messanger quaked.
"Humph. Psamtik I protects us, we ride to aid him." The Bay saddled up his horse, and with the messanger, ready to ride down to his men's encampment where word had already reached and men busied themselves readying for whatever journies they would take.
On the way, the messanger looked at Arbeth, and called across, "Why do the Greek dead appear as shades, not skeletons like our own honoured dead?"
"Legend says they were burned at death, and go to an underworld where they haunt as ghosts, rather than sensible mummies like ours." Arbeth Bay replied.
"Their gods are weird, why would they do that?"
"Who knows!"
"This time I fear there are two mortals with them, Pharoah Ptepic XVIII and Princess Ptraci, along with Youbastard the camel."
"The camel must be protected, we cannot risk the universe's second greatest mathematician!"
"What of the pharoah?"
"They come along like dung beetles after a cattle market, plenty more where they came from!" The gnarled warrior grinned cheekily.
"He has no heir."
"Oh well, we had better protect him too then!"
The Medjai would have to follow the horde of the dead as it defended Egypt's ancient borders again, putting themselves in danger to stop the hordes of foriegn menace taking over the realm. They and Ptepic would be the only living elements of a great horde of the dead that rode out.
At least their would be plenty of supplies from the broken armies.
Warfare 2021, hurrah, chariots roll!
Following up from Warfare 2019, was a continuation of
the Chariot Period and Biblical theme. Unfortunately, 2020 went the way of Covid, but it
meant a lot of us had been sitting round and army building in the meantime, but for many armies, practise was thin on the ground. So, after 2
years off, we gathered again in Reading Ascot for four rounds of Chariot
based fun. Many of us had spent time painting up sparkling new armies
for this event (some in the last two week for Roger's army)
My army was one of those.
My list:
Why had I taken this awful list/combination? Several people on seeing the list had noted it was strong, but others had said there was nothing really stand out about it.
Becuase it has a great lump of allied long spears (24 of them) with shieldcover and
shove, which no one else gets and as Ian Newell had pointed out the list shortly
after Warfare 2019 it had really sparked my attention. Pity no one does a historical range that really suits the list. Information on the 26th dynasty is scant, but I needed something different as Mitanni is horse
archers which really do not suit my style of play (it was also being
borrowed by Richard B).
ii) My army is 10mm as always, the Gods' Own Scale, and I had some Pendraken fantasy Egyptians (think Khemri). Fantasy figures
(an awful lot of which have been converted by myself from the amazing
Pendraken fantasy range, under the tutoring of the great Phil 'Techno'
Lewis). It's also there to annoy the 'rivet counters'.
c) I like the idea of a combined arms list in the 'scissors/paper/stone' of the Biblical period.
4) The list had no chance, but I had taken it to enjoy the competition, but had no expectations for it, especially as Mark Spratt and Nik Gaukroger had savaged it on several previous occasions.
The draw
a lot of Minoan out there! There was also an informal 'sub' competition
for the best Egyptian pharoah between Ian, Simon, Paul, Matt and I that I organised.
Prize was the warcrown of Egypt, booby prize was exile to the Faroe Islands (well, their flag anyway)!
I was also desperate to avoid my own Wooden Spoon.
So, onto the games:
Round 1 vs Rogers Five Hegemon Chinese
Round 2 vs Simon Hall's New Kingdom Egyptians
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