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Fantasy Egyptians in 10mm

First force of lockdown an new-old project - and now completed (completed - verb - wargamers, thinking they've done).

Pendraken Fantasy Egyptians that will become a Saitic Egyptian army for MeG and now the army is finished.

Latest batch, final units and loads of terrain! 20 Diamond Dogs - skirmishers with javelins.

240 Greek spears in 4 units - shiled transfers from the awesome Baggage Train

This is just one units of them, a highlight of them, as they represent the shades of the underworld.

Slight tilt so you can see the eyes

Side view of the cloaks

Rear and out of focus

General Amenthes

Ptepic, Ptraci and the Discworld's greatest mathematician - Youb****ard!

Terrain by Scotia Grendel
Before I trashed them...

After muddying the terrain looks better.
Small tomb front

Larger tomb front


Fallen piller

Two bits of terrain/characters for other games. Thanks to Drew at Studio Bergstrom for finding these old sculpts from Eureka for me. Guarding the Stargate!

Really like the way these came out, Jaffa looking mean and moody, or are they painted colossal statutes?

Jaffa are awesome

Jaffa on guard

Bit more work on this army.

Converted 40 Pendraken skeletal archers to Egyptian archers

Headdresses and loincloths added

Cheeky top view

Unit at full strength with the stand I painted previously


These are the guard archers - 48 converted with added headdresses and armour

Certainly look menacing

And on these, with Phil's advice, I sculpted armour

Skilled, protected, drilled archers, yes please!

I also fashioned some wound markers from rising dead and dungeon corpses.

I based up the Stargate

Chariotry and generals/mages done, this was quite a job.
The batch

All archers had loincloths and head scarfs fitted, all mummies had their hands drilled and spears fitted. Chariots are actually Elven, and have had their yolks extended.
Red squadron

Blue squadron

It's a smaller squadron as the army only has ten chariot bases.

First stand of foot archers, need to order a lot more and convert them!

A stargate, that will form my army baggage element (thanks to Drew at Studio Bergstrom for this)

What else could I use as my baggage

Either generals or magic users (if I use them for fantasy MeG), two with various Pendraken items added to bases, and one with spare converted archers.

This also reuses my original mummies from the army. Seniority has its privillages!

The army, so far!

Line linfantry update! Ordered some extra 'Pharoahs undead tomb guard' from Leon, and now I have my two units of average Egyptian spears.

The present batch

The four extra stands for my original units, taking them to six stands.

 The new unit, night and Anubis themed. Was two figures short (coz I can't count) but added a casulty figure to fill the gap!

Marching under the desert sun.

All the infantry at the moment

And teh whole army so far, this will expand shortly! Four TuGs done.

Old Glory 10mm Egyptian light cavalry, acting as Medjai*. A gift from a friend as he could not use them.

MeG has a catagory of 'flexible' for troops that can switch between skirmish and formed troops. Here they are deployed as light horse skirmishers.

Deployed as formed

(oh come on, Medjai, they're cool, I looked at the one historical source for fantasy Egyptians, The Mummy [1999], hence the dark grey uniform nature of these guys)

These are a lovely little range, buried in the Pendraken catalogue, so beautiful sculpts.

Slight rebase/additions to the units, ready to annoy serious MeG players as these are going to become a 26th Dynasty list.

Annubis warriors rebased (one base) and five more bases added,

I added the blue war crown and longer cross braces on the chariot.

Eight originals rebased, and eight more added.

Pharoahs Undead Tomb Guard: The blue has not really shown up.


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