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Showing posts with the label Beastmen

Blood Bowl league match 2: Beastie Boys vs Wheezy Tossers

 "Jim, a fine and sunny day here,as the chaotic Beastie Boys face the mighty Wheezy Tossers, an ogre team of note, on their third game of the season, have managed to hire the Mighty Zug for a game to make up for their dead Ogre. Should be a good, blood soaked game." "Three-thousand chaotic fans of all shapes and sizes, some literally, and and seven-thousand ogre fans fill the stadium, Bob." "Most of those, Jim, are Gnoblars, so only take up a small space." "Listen to those cheering fans, but those Chaos voices almost drown out the ogre fans squeals, the chants become indistinguishable and neither side will benefit from that lovely extra reroll.!" "The kick is up, and comes down. The Beasties front line easily takes down Gnoblars, unfortunately, not all the ogres are taken down as easily, only two of the big guys are down." "Ohhh, Goldie did not get a chance to pick the ball up, Bob." "And where did those ogres learn to th...

Blood Bowl - Beastie Boys vs Copperfield Stealers. League match

"Good eeeeevening sports fans!" "Bob, after their pre-season friendly that allowed the Beasties Chaos Chosen team a two touchdown win, it will be interesting to see if the Copperfield Stealers Halfling horde have recovered from their light mauling by the Ogres." "Looks like both sets of fans are looking forwards with this, as 6000 have turned up to watch." "Good turn out for a minor league early in the season!" "Only one player out, the Halflings got lucky that week. Reports are it was a halfling that was accidently sat on by an ogre tripping over. Fifteen players is a weaker number for halfpints." "Not as lucky as the Beasties, by avoiding Nurgle rot versus that wiped out one of the skaven teams they were meant to be playing in round one, they have all come in healthy!" "Here comes the kick, and it's gone really, really short." "Straight from the off, the Stealers kick touches back, and the Chaos Choses B...