Polykratos shook his head, the bandage would come off in a day or two, and the wounds would heal quickly enough with some sacrifices to Asklepios, but he suspected he would have a scar for the rest of his days along his scalp. Leandros looked over and grined, using a broken spear as a crutch, his leg wound would heal, but the embarressment would take a while longer. His infectious grin was annoying, but it meant Polykratos was alive as he could still hear his old friend prattling on, if at least he was in Hades, he would not hear clear words...
Tychon the archer had obviously been marshelling the Lochos while the two of them had been injured. Polykratos leaned acrss, and with a voice dry from unconsciousness, muttered "How long was I out for?"
"Two hours since we got beaten up. Why you two hared off looking for trouble is beyond me!" The
archer shook his head.
"At least we tried something old friend," Leandros laughed, "between us all we could not hit a tortoise!"
Mark and I finally (after a two year gap and many phone calls discussing it) got a game or two of Mortal Gods up at Milton Keynes this last week.
Was too busy playing the game to really take photos! My mat from Tiny Wargames acts as a temple precint where two mercanary warbands meet. There was a small rise, a ruined temple, a sanctuary lion and a well, but we decided that a straight up fight would be best. Mark spent ages working out where 1/3 of my mat was for deployment, I pointed out it was where the two lines crossed the cloth!
Mark's boss polished off my slingers, as I sent Polykratos to try and deal with him. Meanwhile on the left a shooting match had seen Leandros targetted by Mark's archers, doing major damage, who were to prove to be men of the match in both games (Mine had arrived that morning, and are assembled and based ready to be painted)!
Really summed up the night! Not only were the omens coming out thick and fast, they were all the negative ones! Hades bound and then dead dead! Polykratos took an early bath!
And seconds later Leandros (on his second innings) is also struck down, ending game 1!
Game 2 I tried a more conservative set up with teh aim of sending my shooters through coer to deal with the approaching forces...
And very quickly we ended up in the same situation as my Phalanx was getting the better of Mark, but my heroes could not manage a single save while Tychon was on strike all game! Polykratos, fed up with Mark's peltasts, mowed down two of them before Mark could react.
What's missing from this picture? Oh yes, my heroes! Again, my lochos breaks due to lack of leadership!
Two cracking and very short games, rematch later this month with slightly more points (moving up from 300 to 400). Loved every minute and a great giggle.
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