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10mm WW2 European forces French command stand.

French command stand, with attached anti-tank rifle, as no one else needs them!

Bone jaw, my nome is...

'Allo! 'Allo!

The red top on their kepis is there, honest!

Two higher officers, an RTO, a staff car and an anti-tank rifle

The whole French force*.

Finishing off the French starter set
Just need a company commander stand now (and many other things).

Knew there was a stand of French infantry missing, so here it is based up.


Get them lads!

Anti-tank guns, mortars and machineguns

Added suport is always good!

Badly sited mortars?

Truck and Panhard armoured car

Which way are we going?

Doesn't matter, the armoured car has a reverse driver!
Pendraken GRV136 Panzer IIC done and added to my Western European theatre Germans - what a model

Can see where the idea for the Dalek came from

Trundle trundle

It looks soooo cool, thank you Leon

Love the hatch details


Now some French

Looking mean

Really impressive figures, must not put off painting these for so long

Back view

Quite a tank

Here they come

Renault R35s

Not sure a one man turret was the best plan

Here we go

Back view


Waiting for trouble

Mean and moody, might risk the Panhard next.

French infantry


Good news, they're on home soil

Few more squads to go after this

Come up quite well

Moving on

Hold the line, they'll never get through here!
Panzer IVd

Drat, did not notice the flock!

And motorcyclists!

Two more Panzer IIIE

Menicingly on the prowl

Maybe we will go this way

And we HAD to have some recon!

Which way round does it go?

Here we go here we go

For the European theatre, my first two Panzer IIIE are done, and the Balken Cross is tiny and on. They will do for 1940 theatres nicely. Will add allied forces to face these soon.

Clank clank

Trundle trundle...

Rear end

Just as an experiment, the German camo never shows up on black and white photos of the time, so just to try it out..

Yup, it works.


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