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Biblical MeG, Saitic Egyptians vs Hittite Empire

Deep in the Delta, a Hittite army marches towards an ancient Egyptian village. A scout returns to the Hittite King, grovelling deeply.
"Sire, an army approaches."
"How? Their main army is days away, we know this area is undefended and ripe for plunder."
"This army is not normal your majesty, I swear I saw the very dead themselves come to fight us, with my own eyes."
"If you lie, I will ensure your eyes will not see anything again!"
Last Thursday, Dik from the Leighton Buzzard club came back round for a Biblical MeG themed game.
Since I last played him, Dik and a few other club members had been off trying the rules for themselves, so it was brilliantly to play on a more even keel.

My list was my now standard Saitic, 4 Greek spears, 2 chariots, three Egyptian spears (one superior) one average combat shy bow and a skilled bow and some javelin armed skirmishers.

The terrain, two areas of rocky ground provide a secure flank, tall crops and a low hill dominate the centre, while on the left a gentle hill and a town dominate, and a grove of palm trees sits on my base line.

Scouting, I can live with 10%. 

 A few turns in, my archers and javelinmen hold the town, while my average and superior spears
attempt to take the centre hill, my chariots and an average spear face down three fours of Dik's Hitties chariots, including his exceptional guards! By the crops, my light horse and skilled bows wait for Dik's spears to emerge, and my mercanary spears mass to meet his Hittite light spears, he also has archers in amoungst the ruins on the right.

My mercanary spears and Dik's Anatollian allies face off against each other in the centre, while the light horse come forwards to shoot at the chariots, and on the hill, Dik send Syrian spears chariots to try and flank my average spears. On the right, my spears and bows await the arrival of Dik's Hittite and Anatollian spears. 

Dik charges at my light horse, who skirmish away after causing two wounds with their shooting! His spears crash into my long spears on the right.

The first impact phase sees me down a base, as the Hittites's allies only suffer a wound!

I have 12 stands, and there is 18 stands of Hittites and 4 chariots out there, new grundies please!

Facing my 10 superior, shoot and charge chariots, Dik holds off with his skilled shooting. exceptinal chariotry, and in the shooting duel, I come out on top as his 2 white+ miss, and my 5 whites cause two wounds. He realises he has brought tyhem too far forwards.
On the hill, my superiors chew lumps out of the Hittite spears coming to meet us.

Superior chariots greedily eye up my average spears, when will the crash happen?The chariots all decide that a shoot out is not a good idea! Dik's exceptionals chage my superiors, his superiors charge at my skilled bows. I shoot and charge at his superiors. Two more wounds! Wow, good shooting boys!


 The expected charge come is, this could hurt!

Erm, well, that's embarressing! My superiors hit and smash the exceptionals (they only needed a wound) and have the backfield clear! Dik's cinc legs it backwards. The superior unit did not make it in as the skilled archers throwing three white pluses also causes them to disolve into a red haze. (4-0).

At this point, the local deity arrived to put his mighty blessing upon the Egyptian undead. (Hi Bowie)

On the right, having long spears and shove starts to make a difference against Dik's lighter spears (+1 in melee, S or skull causes a further +1 for adjacent files).

For once, a decent hand!

Dik crashes into my average spears with superior chariots, while Pharoah goes after a second chariot unit. On the hill, my superiors fight hard, but have started losing bases themselves. 

The impact from the chariots causes a kill, ouch. On the hill, I attempt to engineer a flank charge with my unprotected, combat shy, loose archers on superior chariots, what could go right!! (it's an evens charge, but I only need a wound to break them). I miss!

In the centre, my chariots kill one base of Hittites, and Dik's spears, fighting my long spears, are slowly being whittled away. His other unit also has the attention of both my skilled archers and my light horse archers, and is losing bases. His other Anatollian spears break (6-0) and I contact his chariots.

Dik's hordes of Hittite spears clash with my Greek mercanaries, and a push of spear begins.

I still cannot get the wound to finish off those Syrian chariots, but behind them, my superior Egyptian spears, backed up by Pteppic, break through and turn to face Dik's archers (8-0) 

Dik's chariots fight hard, causing damage on both my average spears and my Red Squadron of superior chariots take losses, but are joined by Blue Squadron in overlap.

Chariots vs spears goes the way of the spears quickly. My other spears start to deal damage to Dik's sort spears on the right.

STILL can't kill those chariots.

My average spears are now within a hit of breaking.

I break Dik's spears by the cornfield, and the chariots go at the same time. (12-0)

But we cannot get each other, all Dik needs is a wound to break my spears, and I need a wound to break him! Opps, missed...

Superior spears slam into Dik's bows, and the 8 falls quickly to a 3, which breaks them and Dik's army. 15-0 to the forces of Egypt.

The battle's end, my spears push into teh field, I have my furthest right unit of spears is within a hit of breaking.

As are my spears here which are also incredibly brittle.

Great game, top laughs.
Dik was unlucky in many fights, he could have won on the hill, and against my spears on the right, he should/could have easily been 15-6 or 15-8. which would have put Dik within a unit of breaking me.
His spears were not the best thing to throw against mine, and I was lucky against his chariots to pick off his exceptinals with shooting, but he should have used his skilled shooting and evasion to better effect.


  1. Lovely game with the terrain and local deity both adding interest. It sounds like the game is gaining traction within your group. I appreciate all of the photographs, which must have taken ages to work into a post. Thanks.


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