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Star Wars Legion - reinforcements including some heavy armour.

Some really random reinforcments for both Imi and I.
My Xmas pressies from my girls.
AT-ST from Imi

It only just fitted my light box!

Back view with all the vulnerable gubbins

Random point!

It also comes with Chewie as the commander, so you can use it with Rebels, which is I'm sure what my daughter Imi will knick it for!

"No, I've got an idea..."

And from Rach, the Daiyamo of Mos Espa, Boba Fett

Older, wiser, still hits as hard!

Book of Boba Fett anyone?

The head is interchangable

There we go
Ahsoka Tano for Imi, she's a great fan of the (not quite a jedi).

She's a bit strong

Fun to paint too

Lots of research too

Back view

Din Djarin and not one but three Grogru's!

The frog eating one tickles me!

Soup bowl

"Do the magic hand thing!"

Must be a good guy, he's not wearing a black cloak!

Moff Gideon - new Manadalorian Big Bad

With the Darksabre

Must be a bad guy, he's in a black cloak

IG units,IG-11 (Mandalorian) for Imi, and IG-88 (Empire Strikes Back) for me

Hence the different basing, each suits our forces

Fearsome bounty hunters/nursemaids

Agent Kallus - commander, not the greatest, but fun

He does have a nasty tendency to side with the Rebellion!

Back view

Close up

Darth Maul and probe droids - neither of us have Seperatists, but such a cool figure, when offered for a reduced price, how could I say no?
Iconic pose

Force yoink!


Shoretroopers for myself, I needed another unit, and these guys looked tasty.

Hmm intersting mix of weapons, including heavy blaser and mortar team.

More armoured than scouts, less than Stormies! Counts as two units with teamwork
My view

Rebel commandos for Imi

Includes a sniper and a demolition team

Or Imi could just run them as another Rebel trooper unit

The cloaks were almost too regular in the end.

Team Xenos

Which allows Imi to put out an extra trooper unit

Nasty punch

Exta character (not offical, but if he joined any side, he must be a rebel!)

Experiment 626

Where does he keep those extra arms?

So cute, but deadly!

Anakin Skywalker for Imi's Republican/Clone forces. She's got quite a selction now.

No idea if he is any good, but he looks cool!

Two more of Imi's favourite Star Wars:Rebels characters, not available for Legion, but Rebel Assault has these two,
Hera Syndulla
C1-10P, commonly known as "Chopper," or simply "Chop" (seriously, he's a psycho, if you don't believe me, look it up.

Back view

No idea when we will use them, but I do like the figures.
Decided I needed to rethink my Imperials, as Vader keeps dieing!
Plan B right now involves this gentleman...

Love the animation on this figure.

He's no use to me dead!

The escape pod had occupants!
Look sir, droids!

We're doomed I tell you!

What mission?

Don't you take that tone with me!

Imi needed some terrain to fight over.

"Look sir, droids!"

It's quite a fun kit to build

Any landing you can walk away from is a success?

It's about an hour's painting all told...

Think it is inevitable my daughter will soon 'develop' a Clone Wars era army, as she now has Kenobi too.

"Hello there!"

More Rebels for my daughter (she now significantly out-numbers my Imperials, must do something about this):

Rebel Fleet Troopers

Charge left!

Wait for it.. wait for it...

They need a corridor to guard!


Mandelorians of House Wren - jump troopers, Tristen Wren on the left

Back details

Fly my pretties!

Clan Wren on foot, Ursa Wren and Beskar Dualist to right

Capes - with a jet pack!

Pew! Pew!

Clan assembled

Top view

General Veers

Quite a cool dude!

Another of my daughter's favourite characters, Captain Rex

Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, in Endor clothes. Another commander for Imi's forces.

Stormies 1st Squad

Stormies 2nd Squad

Top down

Back view

Lord Vader,

Imp Inf

Speeder bikes, so iconic!


I might just have modified one of them!


Two more models done, both for my daughter's forces,

And a second Asokha for Imi (older, wiser, more sensibly clad), this time from Rebel Assult.

I bought the base Legion set the other week (reduced and MASSIVE tax rebate), I will be using the Imperials, and my eldest daughter the Rebels. Knowing the Rebels would be the harder set to paint with all the camo, they were done first, apart from Luke who will be done with Vader at the end.

Rebel foot and AT-RT walker

First squad

Top view

Second squad

They went thataway!

Rear view

At-RT light walker with interchangable main weapons.

Heavy blaster added

You can hear the clank!

Rear view

3d Printed Asokha Tano I found for my daughter of fleabay, she's a big fan. Not the most detailed figure, but fun to paint.

Tail view

I have no idea what he/she/it is, but he came free with Asokha, so I painted him up!

Imperial E-WEB heavy repeat blaster for my Imperials

My very good friend Paul dropped these round yesterday, exchanged for two Spitfires, think I got the better end of the deal.
Assembled, and painted in a day, 7 Snowtroopers (as seen on Hoth). I did wonder about basing for a bit, but snowtroopers need snow, so they get snow.

Standard snowtroopers

I did paint the cloth areas a different shade over adifferent background to the armour pieces

I really like the sense of movement on their cloaks

Flamethrower and Ion blaster

I like white!
 Snowtroopers in the snow!! 

I lucked out this year! Two Legion units from my girls. I am a lucky man! So these Xmas presents went straight onto the table and now these brilliant gifts from my daughters are finished.

Rebel Pathfinders as seen in Rogue 1.

Finally, some bad guys to beat up. Stormtrooper specialists

Mandolorian from Diehard Miniatures and a 3d printed Grogru (or the Child/The Asset) for my eldest's Xmas pressie.

My daughter's latest addition to her collection, painted by me, she loves Rogue 1, so when we saw these two had come out as a set, we thought "Well, why not?"

Cassian Ando and K2SO

Sniper configuration

K2 close up

Heavy blaster configuration

Light blaster

K2 has a grenade!

"How come she gets a gun!"

After getting Netflix, and painting Jyn, there was only one way I could go, and that was to really test my painting abilities!

Sabine Wren, a Rebel operative, Mandalorian and sassy graffitti artist, with the most complex armour you could imagine, and it changes each season, so I went season three!

With the Darksaber

The model come with a choice of arms and heads, so I modified mine so that the parts are interchangable. 

Pew! Pew!

She comes with a jetpack! "I got to get one of those!"

 Two gun set up

I loke her, a lot! So much, I might even have to try the game...

Bought this last October for Imi, and inspired by Geoff and his version earlier in the week, and members of the LB club playing Legion, but most importantly by my daughter being a MASSIVE Rogue 1/Jyn Erso fan, I had to paint up this while we all under lockdown.

Pretty pleased wit her. Might have to get one for myself so I can play the game.


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