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BADCON Round 2: Imperial Romans vs Hammy and his Imperial Romans from the East

A classic set up.
Another uncivil war.

A Roman civil war, how novel!
Q, Who did the Romans fight the most in history of their empire?
A. Romans!

Hammy and I have been friends since Warfare 2009 when a great game of Flames of War resulted in a bloody draw.
So, it was no surprise I was playing him in round 2.
Two reasons: 1 we were on basically on similar points after Round 1 (6 vs 4)
Secondly, we had just been out for a beer and Cumberland sausage in a bap at a local hostelry! In Burton, brewing capital of England, I enjoyed a rather delicious Coniston Bluebird.
That's going to make a fun leading picture on facebook!
Top beer. 
Better sausage!

Terrain, with the scattered remnants of my last game. The forest centre would cause Hammy some significant headaches!

Deployment, looks like Hammy has spread his forces evenly, and I'm ignoring the left.

My lines press forwards, with the aim of taking Hammy on the right.

Well, I didn't quite ignore the left, I left one unit of legionaries, with shield cover, impact weapons, melee expert, average. Just sitting there, annoying him.

Well, my cards do it again!

Following turns were not much better, but that unit on the left had attracted the undivided attention of four of Hammy's units.

A shaky photo of a shaky plan. I pushed hard on the right.

My lone unit still holds out, Horatio would be proud. He detached a unit to try and envelop the end of my main battleline.

The end of the line, however, was my exceptionals, my cavalry, mixed into the line, as my legions looked for the best targets to pick upon.

Tortillas were tasty, thanks Hammy!
He had brought his light horse back from the other side of the cornfield,

Looks a mess, but it would be worth it. On the left, my superior legion of eight, and my exceptionals charge towards one of Hammy's four stand cavalry. My average cavalry decided to pick on Hammy's other cavalry unit. If he evaded, I can confidently hit his Palatina unit behind.

Unfortunately, Hammy rolled a 1 on his cavalry's skirmish roll. Good thing my exceptionals had switched to loose previously, in case of wood fighting. My superiors miss, but the exceptionals catch both a palatina unit and the cavalry.

Back on the right, handbags! It allowed me to expand a bit. My superiors eye up Hammy's other Palatina unit, while my average Seguntientes take a walk round the back.

Hammy's long expected flank charge on my exceptionals arrived, however, my superior eight has made it into the cavalry now too. Hammy's charge did 1 wound, the sort of damage my exceptionals shrug off!

Hammy's phone makes an appearance (syperiot, protected), my superiors almost make it to his Palatina, but his darts slow me just enough to avoid a crunch.

Look what a talented commander can do!

Hammy parks his bows at 0.0000000000000000000000000000001mm from my flank, and joined with the light horse, and two units of dart armed troops, finally kills a base. I LOVE shield cover, it reduces the damage you take considerably.

You know those Exceptional that were in trouble? Well, not really. They turned to face the flank chargers. This is after killing his cavalry, and then they kill a stand in his Palatina, which had a fighting general, who died, causing a Kill A Base on all neighbouring units, that took out his flankers, and that caused kill-a-base tests that then took out his Palatina. All in one shot. (0-6).
Exceptional, Melee Experts, backed up by a general are fantastic.

Hammy's other cavalry split the scene too. (8-0), behind them, the Seguntientes (six average legionaries) chew straight through an eight of average Romans.

My superiors contact another average unit, and my superior cavalry smash in to another unit, chewing them to pieces..

Still there boys? Nice one! Hammy even engineers a flank charge, but it's still not enough. Tenacious, us?

Hammy's army laid in tatters, and the honour of Rome was mine. A 15-0. Amazing game, helped by getting it right at the right moments, and Hammy having horrendous dice all game.
We're still great friends, and he has just about forgiven me - almost!

Off to Andi Clem's for Chinese and beers!
Next up - Game 3, Steven and his Late Republican Roman


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