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BADCON Round 1: Imperial Romans vs Robin and his Foederate Romans with Hunnic Allies

A Roman civil war, how novel!
Q, Who did the Romans fight the most in history of their empire?
A. Romans!

So, Robin brought his (award winning) Romans to play, but with some friends on horse back.
Actually, an awful lot of friends on horseback! It was like a beautifully painted Thelwell gymkana!
His soldiers must like growing roses...

The terrain fell on my side, as Robin chose mostly open.

Robin deployed his prize winningly beautiful army. Sorry my photos do not do them justice.

The foot end of the line, and my main target.

However, I completely fluffed my deployement, with all my decent units too far out right, which Robin sensibly avoided. Only my exceptionals were in the line, and Robin was doing his best to avoid them too!

Robin's Hunnic ally moves out to meet me, and I began a weekend of foot vs horse archers. Four cavalry units there, plus three foederate cavalry from the army, and then Roman cavalry. Think I was significantly outnumbered!

This was the start of a weekend of naff cards!

My cavalry, and my largest superior unit, vs Attila and his mates. Flexible, bow armed cavalry, a particulary difficult task.

Robin's foot and foederati cavalry approach, while I suffer a run of lack of initiative. My own fault for 9 units with 9 cards I guess!

It all balances out in the end...

Robin assiduously avoiding getting too close by pulling back his horse, attempting to pull me in and flank me.

A charge! We had been playing about an hour at this point! The idea is charge, weather the arrow storm,  scatter or catch the opponent and take the initiative away (or, as I do, get pulled to pieces by significantly better horses than mine).

Yeah, that hurt! But it did buy enough time for two more legio to approach.

There are only 6 black cards in the pack, I'm sure... My cards hate me!

Back in the centre, Robin's dart throwing foot show how good they are.

I become massively over extended, and one of my cavalry ala succumbs to Robin's flank charge.

But I have got three legions in a threatening position against Robin's horse lords.

My horses break, (0-2, after an hour and a half)

The general situation, I cannot get my infantry forwards, despite a talented general, their cards are woeful, plus Robin very sensibly keeps pulling back.

Contact is made against two of Robin's legions. I have three of mine, and I out class him. He even throws in a foederati cavalry.

On the hunnic flank, two legions push the huns about.

Not sure why Robin died not get round me here, he had significant numbers.

Threatening my exceptionals flank if they advance is another unit of Foederati cavalry, supporting two legions of foot.

They don't stay there long, and a long, drawn out melee happens with the foot.

Romans engage Romans, and chew lumps out of them.

I break a unit of horse and burst through to the Hunnic backfield, (2-2) then smash through the camp in one hit (4-2).

Robin kindly points out where I am being an idiot by trusting 6 bases to deal with 12.

There used to be a camp back there!

The central ruck continues.

Threatening my exceptionals, good luck. Oh, hold on, I had a unit there at the bottom a second ago! (4-4)

Lots of staring at each other here.

My guards start chainsawing Robin's average boys, but a second unit of cavalry and another foot disintegrate (4-8)

A cheeky charge to finish off, but time was called.

Robin's strength in cavalry had been neutralised, but mine had evaporated and two legions were down too, so after a cracking game, I came away with 6 points compared to Robin's 10, putting me firmly near the bottom of the table going into round 2.
A top game, must work out how to beat horses...

Onwards to lunch and game 2 and Hammy's Romans!


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