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Flags of War 28mm Jacobites

Hi all,
Backed this kickstarter year before last, and now the figures are here, I'm now working out why I wanted to paint tarten again!
All flags and figures by Iain at Flags of War, and awesome they are too.

Fifteen days since the last update, the muse must have struck!

Bagot's Hussars (a single pack and an officer, they are a tiny unit in Black Powder), artillery and Colonel Anne MacKintosh that completes the Jacobite forces, will move onto Government forces at some point (it's ony taken 10 years to get this far).

She's definitely in the wrong place!

Move them

Definitely the last line of defense, if this lot end up fighting it's game over!

We'll just watch you do your thing.

Wow! Two years since I've updated these.
Three units of 28mm Jacobite Highlanders done!
Lord Lovat's Regiment

Not happy!


Get 'em lads!

MacDonnell of Glengarry Regiment


It's like they heard someone put sugar on their porridge!

Back view

Clan Chittan

Was their Irn Bru warm or something?

Off we go!

Top view

The whole batch in column

New unit of Lowlanders added, slowly working may way through the backlog!

The iron was hot, so I carried on, this time with Royal Ecossaires and command figures.

1st Battalion

2nd Battlion (historically they didn't have the uniform, but hey, I had spare figures).

Personalities, an officer with claymore, MacDonald of Clanranald, John Roy Stuart

HRH James Edward Stuart - Bonnie Prince Charly!

Jamie Fraser, The Red Fox

Tartan detail

The batch now

What with the current isolation, and after 13 months, I came back to this little lot.
Four units of Highlanders. This was, to be honest, something I was dreading, especially the tartan. Thankfully, Iain left a useful painting guide on his Kickstarter, and once I got underway, it was game on! 

These have four bases to a unit, as larger units and ferocious charges too.
McPherson and Atholl.

All three units (McPherson, Atholl and MacDonald of Clanranald)

Rear view in an attempt to show the tartan, but the light was against me.

Rear view of  MacDonald of Clanranald Regiment

And a front view. Close up.

Four Lowlanders and three highlanders done, they will be joined by two Battlions of Royal Ecosse and some characters next, and after the present unplesentness, it will be joined by one more Lowlander and two more Highlanders.

So, based to fit with a friend down the club (not how I would do them, but life is a compromise) to play Black Powder, the first three units of Lowlanders (these may expand to four soon) are done. The Lowlanders will be smaller units, as they will deploy in line and platoon fire, as opposed to highland charges!
Updated the Lowlanders with 9 more figures that gives me four units. I also discovered I have enough trooper figures for another unit, so another update soon!
Three new stands

And with their units.

The original batch.

On the way to Derby, or on the return?
Under a Jacobite Rose 

 The Manchester Regiment

 Third Regiment, they will get colours one year.


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