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Sabresquadron 10mm, Battle of Sumpfige Flussüberquerung

  Nick and I were facing off again, my Glorious Soviets agaist his brutal Canadians. We were using the great Sabresquadron rules (available from Timecast).  Apologese for non-rotated pictures.

 Tonight's game, which took almost more time to set up than play! All my figures are by Timecast. Nick's Canadian Infantry is from Pendraken Argentine Range, the Vehicles from Butler's Printed Models. Terrain - trees, swamps, rivers, roads and rocks from Timecast, Terrain splats and tokens from Products for Wargames, Hills from The Scene Mat from Loke

My Soviets consisted of:
Command 1 x T-64B plus an ZSU-23-4
3 Tank platoons of 3 x T-64B
Recon Platoon in BMP1Ps
Infantry Platoon with added Grenade Launchers in BMP1Ps
Regimental Battery of 8 122mm Artillery and Observer
Counter Battery on call!

Nick had his Canadians
Command 3 X Leopard 1C
2 x Tank Troops of 4 x Leopard 1C
2 x Infantry platons in M113s
2 x M113 with TOWs
Half section of Artillery.

Both forces came in around 1525 points!

Nick The Author dives for cover!

The terrain, the objective is the river crossing. I got to go first. The Cannuks came down the road, through the settlement and through the left hand woods from behind a rise. I took the right hand rise, the left and piled my recon down the road to attempt to take and hold the crossing early.

Those Leopards are coming in fast.
  One Leopard down, my left hand flank tanks managed to catch Nick unawares.

See that, that's how efficent my shooting is, I only needed 3s with the AT$s from my BMPs!

The flanking position is great, but will it be enough.

End of move 1, and 2 Leopards are down, flank hits by a 120mm is never going to end well!

The second turn of fire for the Soviets is a great success. A three out of a  platoon of four Leopard 1s are take down, and  and the last vehicle retires back down the roads from whence it comes.Excellent, this will be a short game!

My recon platoon debussed, it was probably safer! Well, it certainly was better than sitting in the burning wreck of a BMP! 
Three gone in a matter of seconds! Wouch! Those Leopards have good guns!

Here's a sight you don't see that often, TOWs come streaking in, and my T-64s actually managed to dodge them.
Look, good dodges!

My second tank squad, blown to pieces by Leopard guns. Drat, this is not the plan!

My main infantry platoon and the recee sneak across the crossing, aiming to secure the wood before the rapidly debussing Canadians make it into the wood. We both have artillery aimed at each other, but we just can't get it to come in!

Over on the left, Nick advanced cautiously through two woods. I got one TOW launcher, but the other was bullet proof (7s needed to hit, 4 turns of shooting, two.5 tanks firing, drat)! My artillery was trying to range in, but nope. This guy's cloaking device was awesome!

And the Recon decided it had better places to be, and auto-broke under a hail on main gun and MG fire.

The two TOWs somehow manage to avoid three turns of direct fire, but the TOWs do manage to snipe away at my tank platoon on the right hand rise, until eventually with only one remaining they break.

Even my sneaky flank was slowly being taken apart, two kills and another break. It had all started so well.

The two canadian infantry paltoons both advance towards the crossing, as my left hand tank platoon takes two more hits from the Canadian tanks and disintergrate!

My BMPs move up in support, and kill an infantry stand in the woods, it's not going well

We crossed the stream, and the BMPs moved up in support, as there was very little tank support left! Uncertain is a bit of a misnoma when the platoon has already legged it!

One of those was quickly finished off by another TOE. That one launcher had cost me dearly!

Yeah, we've got that wood, unfortunately there was no-one left  behind to help/support/shoot, apart from the CinC and a ZSU-23-4 that couldn't hit a barn door!
 With that, it was all over bar the KGB 'interviews' with the routers.
What went wrong?
1) I didn't pass a single morale check.
2) I couldn't dodge for toffee.
3) I rolled down on all but one armour roll (dodgy Soviet build quality).
4) I couldn't hit a barn door.

Great game, honestly. Real nail biter and just went south quickly. Nick had promised to let his big cats sharpen their claws, and they definately did.


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