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Imperial Romans vs Golden Horde Mongols

Dux Brittanium et praesido par rura colit murum vs Алтан ордон.
All in glorious 10mm Technicolor.
Both armies were mine, Paul was using my Mongols as MeG Golden Horde whilst I was using my Bremainer Roman-British garrison.
Paul had four generals, two 6s of light horse, two sixes of unprotected cavalry, many fours of protected cavalry and four superior protected of cavalry.
My list was two 6s of cavalry (one superior), 1 6 of light horse archers, 1 4 of heavily armoured catafracts, 2 sixes of average limitarii Auxilia (Wall Hinterland Garrison), 2 6s of average field legionarii, 1 Auxilia Palatina (superior auxilia) and 1 Guard Legionarii

This was not going to be easy! My Romans would be out shot, all Paul's horse was equipped with the Mongol super-weapon of Powerbows, short spear/melee expert and a good chunk was superior, my cavalry was basically dead, the Roman's 'shieldcover' (ie Tursio) was also nullified by powerbows, I was a sitting duck!! So, I had to play canny...

So, scouting terrain and deployment. I won! I dragged the terrain back to normal, the terrain fell where I wanted it (coastline, wood and village to anchor my forces between) and I even out-scouted the Mongols by 40% (all card driven)! So, how to beat Mongols, make them come to you?

Oops, left an obstacle mid-table!
Romans on the left, a legion holding the village, auxilia holding the woods, auxilia in the open deployed between caltrops. Calavalry deployed safely behind the infantry. Mongols in line to the right with the Khan floating behind.

The view from the Mongol lines as they started to try to find a way in!

PAul closed in to try and weaken my line with powerbow shooting, but had to pull back with the MOST expensive move EVER!

It did not go well for Paul, as instead of corner sitting like I had convinced Paul I was doing, I was sneaking one of my cavalry through the woods, and I came out to play with my heavy foot, initially creating a fire lane for my light horse and pushing through with my infantry, soon I had caught and destroyed two units of cavalry as Paul never had the cards to successfully break off.
My superior cavalry on the left started hunting down Mongols, who started shooting the unit to pieces.

Paul's firing dice were never as good as they should have been, but my auxilia throwing javelins were unstoppable! They saw off another cavalry shooting, and were pushing his cavalry back onto his camp. Most of my units had taken sufficient wounds that a few more hits would break them, but they never materialized! There were a lot of tense moments, my catafracts had their wounds bought off on many occasions. One of my legions was pushing light horse around (skirmishers get pushed out the way in MeG by heavy foot and horse) like Pumba bowling for buzzards!

I lost all my cavalry and light horse, but the infantry was out maneuvering  and tying down Paul's horse, on the verge of taking his camp or pushing another unit off table, he was on the verge of breaking (he was on 4/5 compared to my breakpoint of 3.5/5) at the point where we had to call it a night. 10 - 9 to me (15-7 if we had taken it on).

Catafract sandwich anyone?
 Great game, my Romans did a LOT better than I expected, they rolled well when needed, their green shooting dice was phenomenal!


  1. Very nice indeed Will

    Take care



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