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Pulp Alley: Wakandan Reacquisition Squad vs Top Gang in two lively scraps.

Deep in the Souk Min Almaerik, the Wakandan Reacquisition Squad had a lead. Somewhere, eminent anthropologist and art historian, Professor Pith-Helmet had information on cultural artifacts, that might be ancient Wakandan items. Some local leads had been scouting out his location, but the squad needed to persuade him to reveal what he knew of their location.

On the left, Adazeh Tumbebo, S'yoma Usukla and N'Bube Meraba moved towards their informant, Chanan. They were also keeping a close eye on 'You-Bastard' the camel, known to kick, hard.

Princess Ch'lanreah, her faithful bodyguard Bhi Nadduruzi snuck right, looking for the waiter at the Bel Epoch, another known contact, but a fantastic gossip too.

Adazeh was successful in getting the information from Chanan, straight away.

The Professor was examining local tapestries, which was in range of Princess Ch'lanreah, who abandoned the cafe idea (as she really did not want to have to make small talk with the waiter, he really was not her type)..

S'yoma looking cool.

The Professor, completely impressed by the presence of Wakandan Royalty agreed to accompany the Princess.  The opportunity to study Wakandan culture first hand made him jump at the chance of working with the Squad.

Meanwhile, the Top Gang had arrived. The Hamster, bursting into the central square of the Souk, upset 'Yar-Gerroff-Ya_Git' the second camel, who lashes out at the unfortunate hero. Thankfully, he was unharmed, but it put him off his shot. To the left, Clarkson opens up, but the Wakandan shields bounce all the shots.

Professor May tries to question the local Police Commissioner about the supposed treasures from antiquity, using his best foreign language skills. However, the plods grasp of ENGLISH... SHOUTED... SLOWLY... AND... CLEARLY, takes a few moments and at least two attempts, to get through his 'thick foreign skull'.

With the Top Gang approaching fast, and being jolly antagonistic by unleashing streams of lead at them, the Wakandans decide the best thing is to retire to their hotel with the professor, and discuss his knowledge of artifacts over a few strawberry daiquiris on their diplomatic tab.

The War Dogs round the corner to provide distraction from the Princess and Bhi.

Adazeh is temporarily knocked down by a burst of gunfire from The Stig, while Bhi and Professor Pith-Helmet relocate to safety.

S'yoma and the Princess, despite doing nothing to antagonise the Top Gang, come under fire, but deflect all the shots from the primitive firearms the colonial oppressors use.

The way is clear for the rest of the squad to evacuate the area, without resorting to any violence.

Leaving Top Gang with an empty Souk as the locals dive for cover.

Professor Pith-Helmet willingly joins the squad in establishing where they need to search next. (2-2 on objectives, so two reputation each, but a win for the Wakandans for getting the professor out, plus one experience and one free level one ally for the next scenario from reward cards).

Professor Pith-Helmet had identified five objects around another part of the Souk that had unusual properties, certainly properties that Egyptian artifacts should not possess. From his description, the Wakandans curiosity was piqued, and they set out to investigate. The Top Gang had paid some local scallywags to keep an eye on the Wakandans and their movements, while a chambermaid was bribed for information, so they knew that five rare Egyptian artifacts lay within the Souk, that should be recovered for King and Country (and fame and prestige and cold-hard cash).

Adazeh Tumbebo, and N'Bube Meraba headed left, where an artifact had been reported. Avoiding camels.

S'yoma Usukla and Proffessor Pith-Helmet found a statue of Anubis. S'yoma could not work out what was special about it.

Professor Pith-Helmet had no problems decoding the artifact and its mysterious origins, and where further Wakandan artifacts might be. He then legged it back to safety (he's the brains, not a fighter).

Adazeh Tumbebo and N'Bube Meraba moved towards the left-hand set of buildings that housed another reported artifact. In the distance, a Stig and the Top Gang's professor appeared. N'Bube watched on from the fountain.

The Princess and Bhi scamper right, knowing teh Clarkson, The Hamster, and Sabine are out here waiting, armed and presumably dangerous, as well as looking for their own clues.

Sabine had found a sarcophagus, but as she tried to open it, it tumbled over, pinning her and damaging her leg.

The Princess had also found and decoded another artifact. It was 2-0 up to the Wakandans.

The quickly moved on to the third artifact, hieroglyphs explaining Egypts link to the ancient Wakandan past maybe? Top Dog, The Hamster and Clarkson moved towards them.

Adazeh Tumbebo and N'Bube Meraba were holding their objective, but were having some issues deciphering the artifact, especially as Top Gang's  Professor May and The Stig were shooting into the building.

Bhi, fed up with The Hamster shooting at her, decided to take the fight to him, landing some decent hits while the Princess copied down the translation of the text, and moved on.

 Meanwhile, Sabine had managed to struggle free of the weight of the sacophagous, but the Wakandans were closing in on this next objective.

Top Dog turned to play fetch, supported by a winded Hamster.

Adazeh and N'Bube had had enough of The Stig and his shooting. Adazah broke open the artifact, and moved off it a bar of strange, silvery metal, while N'Bube unleashed all his martial prowess and floored The Stig.

N'Bube Meraba was then knocked down by The Professor's shots, but decent cards meant he bounced straight back up.

The Princess, charged across the shop in the Souk, flooring Sabine who had yet to work out what was in the box.

Adazeh got up, but N'Bube, seeing his colleague attacked, turned back and tried to deal with The Stig for once and all, but was brought low by Top Gang shooting. Thankfully, he also bounced back up too.

Coming up behind the Hamster and Top Dog, S'yoma moved to attack them and clear a path for the Princess.

Top Dog on guard.

The Princess found the upended sarcophagus, prized it open and while apologising to the encased mummy, removed a strange object from its hands, before carefully closing the lid.

With this, the Wakandans (and Professor Pith Helmet) had cleared all five objectives, finding artifacts and clues to further ancient objects.
So, two experience gained in two games, along with seven reputation (which allow permanent upgrades) and all temporary upgrades won will see the Professor will return, and the Squad will be bringing a full set of bonuses. The cards and dodges definitely played into my hands. Mort did nothing wrong, but I got lucky all the way through. Two great games, but I hear the French Foreign Legion might be taking an interest in the Wakandans.


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