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Mortal Gods: Mythic - Heroes of the Argo vs Hordes of Hades

Typhon lay back near the campfire,as the other Thespians picked away at the bones of the freshly roasted rabbit he had hunted earlier. Libations had been made to Artemis, but the rest had definitely been enjoyed by the warband.
"Did I ever tell you about the time I fought against the Hydra, along side Jason and the Argonauts?"
"I'm calling bull," Leandros laughed at the archer.
Polykratos looked at the veteran archer and smiled wryly, "Typhon, we know you are an old fighter, but that's a legend."
"Go on, spin your tale Typhon," Leandros chortled.
David R and I met up for a game of Mortal Gods:Mythic, table fell like this, and we just went for a stand up fight. Dave's kit isn't all painted yet, so forgive him! Not all Jason's are goblins.

The Hordes of Hades. More Skellies than you can shake a femur at, some are archers, a few temple guard, a priest, and A HYDRA! Atalanta, Typhon and my archers start by picking off a unit of Temple Guard in a turn.

Pin cushion anyone!

The Argonauts advance to cover the hill.

The Hydra had a quick snack on my peltasts, before Jason himself decided that he did not like this and removed a LOT of heads.

Atalanta finished off a skeleton mob by mistake, (Pegasi on her to hit dice get her extra attacks, she rolled a LOT of pegasi this turn)! All ranged attacks on the Priest, however, get diverted onto skellies within 12". Nasty and rather cool!

The Priest of Hades has many tricks up his sleeves. One is to allow skeletons charge their full move, with extra attack dice. This chewed through the Argonauts, leaving a big hole in a 50 point unit. My archers helped finish off the Hydra.

Jason then went on to attack the Undead hero, in an attempt to break through and off the Priest.

Oh, skellies come back (within 12" of the priest too). Now they are escorting the zealots in.

Skellies also suffer from the 1 on a d6 charge roll, which is hilarious, as they trip over their feet (admittedly, Jason did this a few times too).

By game end, we could see a pattern developing, skellies died, skellie reborn... You really need to take on the living characters with this lot.

When we called it time, next time it will definitely involve mission, which will be a much more difficult game for both of us. Oh yeah, on the right are 125 points of Hoplites that were never engaged!
Another great game, nice to try the developed rules, and fun to see what the others come up with. David lost the Hydra (100 points), Temple Guard (30 odd points) and about 200 points of skeletons (they kept coming back), whereas I lost 50 points of Argonauts.


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