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Showing posts from June, 2024

28mm rebasing of Ghaznavids, Almoravid/Almohads and added unit of Dailami for Mortem et Gloriam

Many, many years ago, on a stormy (or maybe frosty, probabaly just rainy) while playing WhAB up at Milton Keynes, a man walked into the club, plonking two or three old fashioned LARGE toolboxes on a table and declaring "I dodn't need these any more!" and walking out. One of our clubmates followed him out, and asked whether he wanted anything for them, he firmly declared no, and left. Never to be seen again! We divied out the boxes, and as we were building armies for the 'El Cid' suppliment, a quick roll-off on a d6 each, I got the last choice of an Arabic type army, which on further investigtion, turned out to be Ghaznavid. So, a quick order to Gripping Beast bought some Black Guard, generals/characters and standard bearers andmusicians. Then I rebased them for WhAB and used them for Almoravid/Almohads. Many moons later, I rebased them again for MeG is 28mm as we are practising the Magna varient (and if you read my last battle report, without much suc

The random miniatures in my lead pile thread

Hi all, As the months go on, I am finding more random stuff that does not fit into any catagory is creeping it's way up to the surface of my lead mountain. I decided a few years back, rather than just throw it back like one of Nobby's escaped socks, I would actually paint some of them.   Really random. Converted GW 1990s halfling on a Ral Patha sheep - a ram raider! There are quite a few more of these to do, but this one fell off the lead pile while I was looking for something else. He will become part of a Dragoon Rampant units I suspect Back view Charge!   From Brian's collection. No idea, on the base it says Grenadier 1984. It's about 32mm tall. A bit WWE, a bit Borat!   Nemisis the Warlock - Khaos; Deadlock; the Warlock; the Shape of Things to Come; the Lord of the Flies; Holder of the Sword Sinister; The Death Bringer One of my all-time favourite 2000AD characters (2000AD