A friend aquired four A4 boxes of ECW 6mm, enough for two armies, almost. So I have been rebasing everything over the last couple of months. Then some units needed painting
Second camp, this one I painted

Top view - did they have drones then?

It features a lot of gee-gees,

a few guns,

And even at least one wheelbarrow race!

Top view - did they have drones then?

It features a lot of gee-gees,

a few guns,

And even at least one wheelbarrow race!

Hesilrige's Lobster's, Parlimentarian Cuirassiers

Top down

Heavy man

Off they go

Dragoons that I rebased

No idea why that posted sidwards!
More bits I painted
Three strips of pike that round out some units, I did not paint the standard bearers or about three individual pikemen, the rest are mine

I did get rid of the flock on the pikes after I took these

Reiters, so that my friend can do 30 Years War too


Owner's view

Top down

Heavy man

Off they go

Dragoons that I rebased

No idea why that posted sidwards!
More bits I painted
Three strips of pike that round out some units, I did not paint the standard bearers or about three individual pikemen, the rest are mine

I did get rid of the flock on the pikes after I took these

Reiters, so that my friend can do 30 Years War too


Owner's view

Top down

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