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1809 Austrian Napoleonics in 10mm - extra units for 'Soldiers of Napoleon' or 'Glorie de Guerre'

Lockdown conversation with Matt - are we going to playtest the new MeG inspired Napoleonics? Yeah, why not!

I thought on this, Matt is doing the Confederation of The Rhine in 10mm, what did I fancy? I already have a MASSIVE 1815 Anglo-Dutch, and an all conquering 1806 Prussians (seriously, one of the worst armies ever), so what to choose? French and Prussian means more Dark Blue, and I need a break from Dark Blue, so I had a look at the Pendraken catalogue, and well...
Fresh Austrian units, 6th Blankenstein Hussars.


WIth the other Hussars and Chevauxlegers, it takes my light cavalry division up to three units.

Soon to be in action (I hope).

To be split up into detachments, Grenz

These might grow into a full unit too.

Skirmish line

Austrian skirmishers to be attached to line units, hence the different cuffs.

Hopefully hold back the French for a while?

Austrian line fillers, to bulk my units up to the equivalent of five base widths for Soldiers of Napoleon, which appears to be my club standard width.

Just to show how much one mounted officer can bulk the unit out.

Almost three ranks

Back view, now I just need to do three more Austrian units and three Hungarian units, need to order two more packs... LEEEEOOON!

Here they are en situ so you can see how they work.
Missed an Austrian officer, so he's been brevit promoted to Brigade command!

And here he is running away!

Austrian Cuirassiers by the brigade.
Not Pendraken, suspect 10mm Old Glory by the horse/saddle combination. Still, you can't look a gift Cuirassier in the mouth. Thank you Neil.

Top view

Waiting round to do something

Off we go

Nope, false alarm, everyone back!

Couple of commanders, one for everyday, one for my light cavalry brigade

Oi, you

Division of FML Waber, 1809
18th, 21st and 28th Foot, ready to get beaten by Neil tonight as I trail 'Soldiers of Napoleon' that LB have been playing for a while.

Yes, I know Weber appears to be wearing a Hungarian Shako, but Bicorns never suited him!

~I also know the 28th are missing a colour, the figure will be in my next order!

Column of march, or march attack?

From the rear (if you look really carefully, can you spot the deserter?)

A second Chevelegeurex unit

I did edge all the flags, honest!

More artillery because...


Four hungarian skirmishers which have been sitting round annoying me for yonks!

I know its an Austrian drummer...

Not Austrians, not Pendraken, but 10mm Chasseurs a Chevel gifted to me by a friend and rebased.

In black and white!


This FINALLY finishes (apart from the limbers) Hohenlohe Division for 1809, best start on the other one in the corps soon!
One of the smallest unit in the Corps, Carneville Freikorps Cavalry

FML Hohenlohe (I can NEVER get good photos of Austrian generals).

Artillery batteries, one 4lber, one 12lber

More Austrian 1809 artillery

FML Orsini-Rosenberg, Austrian army 1809

Carrnoville Freikorps Infantry

A few more units, inspired by the Pendraken painting competition.
3rd Hussars

13th Grenz



Divisional commander

And now, for the Austrian army... Austrains!

IR44 Bellegarde (Italian) IR46 Chasteler (German) which finishes Division FML Hohenloe

IR3 Erzherzog Karl (German) from the Advanced Guard Division


Top view of all three

Thanks again to Michael for the inspiration and facts.
Massively inspired by Michael and his amazing 1809 blog, here are my Hungarian contingent of my Austrians.
Starting with elements (mostly) from VI Corps




Skirmishers are a marker really.

Consolidated Grenadiers

Rear view

6th Chevauleger


The most evocative artillery of the Napoleonic wars, the yellow gun carriage of the Austrians


The batch, minus the general, think he is camera shy!

GM Reinheld


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