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6mm Spearhead WW2 British for Andi

Andi is an old, old friend, back from the days of DBM, so 1990s!

Thought I would get more done of these before my annual visit to Lichefield and Burton, but life has rather got in teh way the last three weeks...

Armoured car regiment for the British.


Top view

1st Squadron

Each squadron has a Staghound, an infantry platoon, two daimler scout cars, two daimler armoured cars.

2nd Squadron

3rd Squadron
Ready to move

4th Squadron

Need to swap that humber for the spare Daimler 9and now I have)!

Top view

They might have gone a bit Busby Berkley on their deployment!

Step two three

The whole regiment

He asked me to paint his airborne division for him, thankfully one brigade had already been done, but there are still plenty to do, and an armoured division, and an infantry division too.

First Battalion of infantry support for the armoured regiment

Front view, four companies of three platoons and five stands of HQ assets.

Top view

Side view

Back view

Two more battalions to go, once Leon sends me their bases!

Transport for the infantry stands, they will receive labels when the company I buy paper fron comes back of holidays. (Clem asked for these to be separate, makes sens as they were a central resource, not attched by battalion)

Suspect at least one of the other battalions will be in trucks rather than M3s!

I managed in the heat of today to paint up the accompanying motor battalion for the British armoured division.

The whole battalion

Some support, but not much

Top down

Battalion support assets and HQ

Suppose they have four regiments of armour to help out if they get into trouble!

'A' Company

Three stands of infantry (they are there, honest) with an M3 half-track and a stand of carriers make each company.

'B' Company

4/7th of each stand are prone, just to annoy people

Back view

'C' Company

It's like they've found a hedgeline to defend

Finally got my mate's 3rd Armoured regiment done for his WW2 Spearhead forces

They might kill 1 tigger between them?

Transfers are via Pendraken of course

By squadron, got to love the insanity of a Challanger!

I did enjoy painting these

And a bizarre amount of satisfaction to see them done, as they have been on my desk since February

Armoured reconnaisance regiment (only difference is they do not have Challengers)

Top down

Quite like this shot

For some people, this would be enough...

but there is a lot of infantry and supports elements to come  8)

Brigade HQ

Pretty sure in real life they would be in a chateaux behind the lines

Possibly made their tanks too dirty, would his nibs get it that dusty?

Divisional command (in his armoured command vehicle)

Pretty sure the 'defense' tank would get stripped for parts after a week or two!

Still, a lot of fun to paint!

Command figures was a must

All fits into an A4 box with room for an infantry battalion (on the painting table now)
Here is the full Airborne division completed, 5 x A4 boxes.

3rd Airlanding Battalion is complete, which finishes my mates Airborne Division for Spearhead.

I hope he does not deploy like this!

Top down

C&D companies


Top view

A & B Companies

It's amazing what you can get done in half-term while watching the Superb Owl Super Bowl!

On patrol

Cover, what cover?

Battalion HMGs

Much dakka

3" mortars

6lber stand

Blastwave must have distorted the shot...


Recee SMGs

Accidental helmet camo on the furthest figure!

HQ and rifle stand

Spare stand, so I painted it as security section (inc some in ahistoric Int Corps berets, sorry)

2nd Airlanding Battalion done for Andi's airborne division. One more to do, then I need to finish the armour and infantry.

Top view

A. B, C & D Companies

Top view

A & B close up

Side view

C & D Companies

Side view

HQ and support stands

Top view

Pioneer stand worked well

1st Airlanding battalion done now.

HQ elements.

Face on.

Top view

A, B, C & D companies

Must order some extra bases...

Decent formation, now there's two more the same size to do.

The whole formation, it's quite big I suppose.

24 bases, in Spearhead, of decent foot.

Brigade HQ elements, because I could.

Pointy bloke is in charge...

With the Glider Piolt regiment in their tray.

2nd Para done.


3rd Para

Top view



Support weapons

Stand close up

Divisional Recon

Divisional HQ

Divisional HQ Recon (Beige berets as these are meant to be SAS)

Glider Pilot Regiment

Top view

Their HQ

Armed and dangerous glider pilots

Tetrach Mk VII
light tanks (airmobile but awful) I insisted Andi has these for D-Day, after which they get replaced with Stuarts!

The paras and HQ in their box

Glider regfiments and their gliders.

That finsihes the paratroopers, just need to do the airmobile briage now.

Armoured Division begun!

The air recognition transfers arrived, also each squadron have their symbols on turret sides too (honest, you might not be able to see them, but they are there!).

1st Armoured Regiment, a mixture of Cromwells and Challengers, with Crusader AA and M3 Stuarts in the HQ

Not a bad selection

Top view

2nd Regiment ready to go.

They've come out well

And armoured recon for the paras M5 Stuarts and Shermans (They should really be a mix of Cromwells and the mad Tetrach tanks, yes, an air portable British tank! Hopefully, those are on order), but after D-Day they quicky swapped for Stuarts.

After a short break (I ran out of ther correct sized bases), a few more regiments are on the way (when my recognition star transfers appear), so in the meantime, here is a regiment of pack howitzers to support the Paratroopers.

The pack howitzers really are small!

Teeny-tiny guns to support teeny-tiny paratroopers! Not sure how effective they are in Spearhead, but they are cool!

They do make a nice diorama though.

View from above showing ID labels.

Anyone would think he was heading to Arnheim!

1st Battalion, 2nd Brigade now done.

Nine infantry stands, two mortars, a recce stand, HMG, Pioneers and HQ stands

Quite pleased the way this came out.

Top view of the battalion.

Front view, 6mm is tiny!

So, the heavy lifting had better get underway!

Horsa gliders, all freehand painted.

Just remember, in the words of Howard Taylor's 'Schlock Mercanary' :-


  1. Great stuff Will, I might have to look into getting a lightbox, it's certainly made a difference to your photos.

  2. Fantastic 👍 Is there a club Lichfield way as I'm in Stone and am a keen 6mm WW2 and Cold War gamer?

    1. Hi there,
      Simon Clarke is your man locally, He has forwarded three local clubs you might enjoy.
      "Hi, there are several clubs around the area. So, depending what you like. Three Spire meets every friday, and has ~30 attendees each week. Mostly GW type games,
      Lichfield gamers is more boardgames and RPG

      And Burton and District
      Old fogey historicals up the road

      Hope that helps.


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