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Last Days:Zombie Apocalypse - The Escape - The Horde approaches

Student house, in shambolic but heavily reinforced, state, zombies. reading 'Dummy's Guide to Zombies' paw at the window, Rick enters:
Rick: Oi, Neil, we got any food!
(Appearing from the sofa) Vyvyan: Rick, if you are so hungry, why don't you go out and get some?
Rick: "Vyvyian, it is not MY responsibility to feed us, that's the smelly hippies chore!
Neil: Guys, I'm not going out there on my own, the place is still crawling with zombies.
 (Mike enters, cleaning sawn-off shotgun)
Mike: Come on guys, we work as a team, it's time we went out again. Vyvyan, round up the band and the Slayer, and bring SPG, I have an idea.
Rick: Oh, what's so good out there?
Mike: There's a 24 hour diner, we haven't tried there...

I made it up to Milton Keynes for a nice, friendly game of Last Days on Thursday, we ended up with a three player game, and my new terrain on Geoff's rather spiffing table cloth.
We randomly generated a scenario from the main rules and came up with 'The Escape', good thing I brought The Aston Martin!

The table from my corner, the garage and the diner having seen better days I guess, and the playpark looking - inviting! Geoff's terrain at the top is all scratch built.

From teh fleft, it looked really great.

From my seat.

On the left, Nick digs in behind a fence line, but is it too close to the edge?

My gang, spreading out but realising that this ground might just be a little too open, but there are two supply cases there, must be worth it!

As usual, the place is crawling with zombies as the gangs decide their options. The car is the main objective is to get the car started and get out of here. There are also the usual amount of supply cases around, plus, any zombies brought onto the table come on in pairs rather than singles.
Knowing the way some players use noise, this table could get rather busy, rather quickly!

The Slayer breaks cover, and is immediately picked off, falling down and out the game (move 1, turn 1, oh dear)! Fast Eddie looks on.

On the left, the Pimp patiently finishes off a zombie patient with a pistol, then grabs a case, and coolly exits.

Geoff was straight into the action, with his punk moving in to deal with a shambling zombie.

SPG and Vyvyan move through the playpark, looking for supplies (SPG also had a cheeky go on the roundabout).

Over on the left, all the shooting summoned a small horde of zombies, which immediately go into combat with the shooter. Meanwhile the zombie priest has moved in to contact with the gang leader.

SPG almost at the supply case, and then he can have a go on the see-saw!

Oi, Who parked that there! Geoff's shooter takes a covered position and draws a bead...


Geoff decided that going head to head with a zombie, and let's 'Call Me Snake' use his SMG to off it.

But all those shots summons a horde of zombies, straight off the baseline!

Geoff's courier tries to sneak round the back of the hut, but Vyv spots him and pumps him full of lead!

And as he shelters behind the perfectly innocent police call box !

Vyv, Rick and Mike scuttle through the playground while attempting to dodge the incredibly accurate fire from Geoff's leader.

Neil collects a case, hands it to Lemmy through a window (maybe he should have opened it first), but as he does so, he gets SMASHED!  Three out the game, man, this is a rough drop!

Rick takes a hit, and being a sound and suitable character, runs!

Over on the left, the shooter is down!

While Dave and the leader takes down down the zombie priest.

Because of the amount of shot Vyv has put into the Courier, he summoned two zombies. A zombie punk and, oh no, not the Mime! Vyv pulls out his super sharp blade, swings and... Oh come on, it's 'Lobotomizer 2' it can only miss on a 1 or 2!!

All Geoff's shooting does not do him any favours as four zombies come in behind him, joining the two pinning of his lead characters, Anna and his leader.

On the left, No1 son scuttles up onto the roof of the diner to try and recover the canister up there, but as he pokes his head up, he finds both Philthy Phil and Fast Eddie have his in their sites, and let loose a barrage of shot, finishing him off.

Sven moves to the car, after removing Mr Chan who had been trying to hot wire it (Lucas electronics obviously not doing well, either before or after the apocalypse!)

Sometime, the only way to deal with zombies is to go in mob handed, but look, another 2, we just can't get these down!

Geoff's leader deals with a sticky zombie, and can break away. Snake takes two wounds from Mike's shotgun blast.

And Vyv still cannot kill a zombie! Seriously!

But the game ends with Sven starting the car and Geoff's team riding off into the sunset.

What a brutal game, no one came out unscathed. Neil took a leg injury and has a hole in his shoe (and leg). Bummer! 
The Slayer also too a leg hit, and might have to be 'cloned' before the next game, or the Mockingjay might join us.
SPG - not a scratch!
Brilliant, cannot wait for our next game in Early December.

(Interior student house, Lemmy unpacking case in background as Vyv administers mouth-to-mouth to SPG).
Rick: Owww, I'm hurt, it hurts...
Mike: It's only a splinter, you'll live!
(Vyv keeps administering mouth-to-mouth, as SPG inflates like a balloon)
Neil: This really hurts man...
(Vyv comes up for air, SPG blows away across the room)
Vyv: What's that in the case? (rummages in the box, pulls out a chainsaw) Well, that's better!
Rick: You mean better than your rubber sword and cricket bat!?!
Vyv: Definitely better!


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