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MeG 10mm Senguko Civil War

Mark had asked to play against my Senguko Samurai on Thursday, so who was I to disappoint him!
Yes, it's that exact same list that has done me so well.
Mark had bought his army a couple of years ago at Warfare from Kallister, so his were technically 12mm, but my 10mm Pendraken Samurai were ready for him! His are only just started, and not based yet, so don't complain...

Very dense mountains with open flanks, like either army cares about terrain being loose or flexible.
Minstrels were Marks choice, and bloody tasty too.

Better shot of the table, and chocolate. I outscouted Mark by 10% (one card each).

Deployment, cavalry hold off against each other, as any shooting will be yellow dice and lethal!
Mark has brought pirate allies on his left, and my Senguko internal allied on my right.

I push forwards with my allies, while my bows, in inevitable ambush, spring from the woods and head for the village.

It's not a subtle game this civil war stuff, as by turn 3 both armies hammer into each other. My average spears are making a mess of Mark's bows on the end of the line as my bows draw swords and greedily eye up his flank.
However, my superior allied spears are looking fragile.

Mark speed deals the next turn.

My  bows pile in, but don't actually manage to get a break and on the left, my average spears in an 8 holds up 12 normal spears, my superiors are in big trouble against the superior spears of Mark's forces.

Mutual breaks! (2-4) not going according to plan, especially as I failed to break Mark on the charge and that follow up allows him to escape.

On the other flank, Mark two nines of front rank superior pirates rear ranks average scum come into my superior bows, superior spears and average spears. My average spears in a 6 suffer, but superior spears and superior melee experts soon year through the crunchy outer layer to the smooth, chewy, underside.

On the right, battered spears fight battered spears, while my bows pick on an average spears unit.
A rare mutual break lower, and my bows pick up their second unit of the night. (4-6)

Cavalry engage each other, but Mark suffers on the way in from yellow dice shooting.

My other cavalry unit, redeployed as Mark was being too cautious with his cavalry (only because I had superior spears in the area too), crash into a 6 spear unit that was flanking my 6 stands of average spears. My spears survived the charge and turned to face, but because Mark's general was fighting, he did not have the cards to react.

Not the sort of side you see very often, superior, melee experts in the flank, plus 4 (red and white), with two overlaps on plus 3 (red), sweeeet! That was enough to smash the spears, my spears died where they stood. (8-8)

Mark's pirates fall victim to the superior long spears and superior melee experts of my two units, as once his tough outer layer goes, those allies are just so much stodge. (15-8)

Civil Wars are always tough games, but quick. We finished by 9.30. The Minstrels lasted longer than the game! Mark learnt that you don't put your superior powerbow unsupported on a flank, but my average bows were awesome.
Top game, huge laughs.
Next week, Mark will be running over me with medieval French lancers


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