Thurday's MeG. Two very balanced lists, one definitely trying out for Rollcall MeG competition in April.
This was a re-purposing of my Pendraken 10mm Mongols as Ak Koyunlu (also known by their Westernised name of White Sheep Turkomen) (nomadic types, horses, bows, armour, spears, you know the type)!
As I said, the armies were surprisingly evenly matched, but only because Nick's Ottomans aren't yet finely fettled with the dreaded Serbian Knights and other nastiness that I know will be heading my way soon!
My list is... TOP SECRET! But basically, as you look at it, everyone has a bow apart from the two units of Sassanid Persians, masquerading as Kurdish Lancers! Their is a unit of superiors, the Sultan's Guard (Black lances with red details) and two units of skilled flexible archers, who could deploy in skirmish if needed.
Oh, and this guy is my CinC...
So, we ended up in the plains (a nice terrain mat is on my shopping list, panic not). I ended up with a nice hill for my camp and my foot archers to defend. Thankfully, they were never needed!
Our lines, Nick had deployed three units of skirmishing horses in front of me, one average and two superior cavalry slightly back, and in fortifications, and ARTILLERY! That was something I really didn't want to face, and even worse, Janissarys. Elite, skilled archers, lurking behind the best cavalry. Hard b*st*rds! Then more cavalry, and archers behind barricades, this was going to be a hard fight for two players not used to mounted armies!
The lines closed. I spent my cards reforming my flexible cavalry into formed order. To counter the threat of Nick's cavalry on my right, my small unit of lancers moved out to support the flank of my horse archers.
I have to admit, I was worried. Nick had a lot of horse flesh out there!
The 'No Hope' were feeling really threatened now!
This was a re-purposing of my Pendraken 10mm Mongols as Ak Koyunlu (also known by their Westernised name of White Sheep Turkomen) (nomadic types, horses, bows, armour, spears, you know the type)!
As I said, the armies were surprisingly evenly matched, but only because Nick's Ottomans aren't yet finely fettled with the dreaded Serbian Knights and other nastiness that I know will be heading my way soon!
My list is... TOP SECRET! But basically, as you look at it, everyone has a bow apart from the two units of Sassanid Persians, masquerading as Kurdish Lancers! Their is a unit of superiors, the Sultan's Guard (Black lances with red details) and two units of skilled flexible archers, who could deploy in skirmish if needed.
Oh, and this guy is my CinC...
(Really, do I need to explain a White Sheep reference)
So, we ended up in the plains (a nice terrain mat is on my shopping list, panic not). I ended up with a nice hill for my camp and my foot archers to defend. Thankfully, they were never needed!
Our lines, Nick had deployed three units of skirmishing horses in front of me, one average and two superior cavalry slightly back, and in fortifications, and ARTILLERY! That was something I really didn't want to face, and even worse, Janissarys. Elite, skilled archers, lurking behind the best cavalry. Hard b*st*rds! Then more cavalry, and archers behind barricades, this was going to be a hard fight for two players not used to mounted armies!
On my left was my single unit of skirmishers, but supporting them were my two units of flexible cavalry, both in skirmish. They can reform into line and are much better shots than Nick's horse archers, but no impact or melee bonuses! The yellow bases were Kurdish Lancers, charging lancers with melee expert. Only average, but still packing a punch, beyond that, on the right, more horse archers...
Initial moves
Oh, Nick is corner sitting, not like him!
His cavalry advanced, my big Lancers moved into a threatening position, while on the right five of my horse archer units maneuvered to try and find Nick's flank.
And Nick brought forward his 'Forlorn Hope', (Or as they were retitled, 'No F*cking Hope!'), firearmed armed skirmishers. In the face of cavalry, this was a dangerous option.
The lines closed. I spent my cards reforming my flexible cavalry into formed order. To counter the threat of Nick's cavalry on my right, my small unit of lancers moved out to support the flank of my horse archers.
I have to admit, I was worried. Nick had a lot of horse flesh out there!
The 'No Hope' were feeling really threatened now!
Only the lancers, hitting Nick's cavalry though. All the other hits are shooting hits. This would be the scene for quite a while to be honest, as we both sought to reach an advantageous moment to charge. In fact, I was losing in some places!!!
However, as you can see, my far right hand cavalry command has a flank on Nick's cavalry, their end was to be short and brutal! I had counter charged his cavalry with my lancers, saving the horse archers (phew) who now had the full weight of fire of the Janissarys coming their way! 2-0 to me.
And someone blinked... We eventually all decided to charge in.
Crunch! Well, more like a series of wafted flounces! The massive amounts of damage I was hoping for didn't materialise! I was also out of cards, so my left hand cavalry could not turn Nick's flank, or even chase off his light horse, it was just a stationary shooting match! In the center Nick had a lot of units that were badly damaged, but holding on fiercely! If you look carefully, you can see my unit of horse cavalry that has contacted two of his units.
Well, that didn't really go to plan! Nick's cavalry on the right chewed up my horse archers. The two units that his the Janissarys were summarily dispatched. (2-6) But Shaun and the Guard broke through. (4-6), as did one of my other cavalary units, sending the Ottoman horse to be made into (insert vaguely racist food comment there). (6-6) The lancers in my center were locked in to the superior cavalry of Nick's line, this was going to be touch and go!
Nick's cavalry on the far flank came out to play, smashing into my horse archers out there, I was out classed, and was in trouble!
My skilled cavalry shot away one of Nick's skirmishers (7-6).
My unit of six horse archers repositioned themselves after Nick fled away from them, and Shaun scampered back to reinforce the lancers as they sought to finish off their superior adversaries.
Legendary commander in combat is a +2, but Nick was supporting his line with his general )(+1 in return).
The moment of glory, Shaun leads his men to a solid victory!
The cavalry break forced a KaB and this also broke the Janissary's will to fight on. 15-6 Victory to Shaun and the White Sheep
Great game. All set for the second leg!