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Warband - The Battle of the Camp!

Last night saw a three way tussle at MKWS, John's High Elves, Jarkko and son using my 'Hugh Elves' (like High Elves, but posher) and myself with my Dragon Men.
General D6+2 (Perival the Inert)
Mage D6+2
3 x archers with powerful
2 x spears
1 x Ent
1 x chariots

General D6+2
Mage D6+2
3 x Warriors with shieldwall, resolute and formed
2 x archers with powerful
2 x knights with fierce, one with hero

Mad Lemmey
Baron D6+1
3 x Warriors with powerful
3 x Warriors with fierce and impetuous
1 x knights with formed, fierce, powerful and impetuous
1 x borderer foot with skirmish
1 x Prismatic Dragon (her Imperial Majesty)

In the dark, the humans pitched camp, it was a good spot, right on the border of two elven realms, from here they could pillage either, and return with precious resources to support the Baron's realm. It was important enough that as dusk had fallen, Her Imperial Majesty had landed in the glade. Most men had only ever heard of her, but she now stood amoungst them, their spirits lifted.
Her guide stepped down lightly, walked, or more accurately slid, maybe even floated to the Baron, they stepped inside his tent...
From inside, the survivors reported hearing...

"You know you are surrounded by two elf armies you fool!"

We randomly generated scenarios, and it fell to 'Attack The Camp'. In this scenario, one army deploys withing 3 base widths of a camp in the centre of the table, the enemy deploys at 4 bases away from the defenders troops. Rules are simple, if any enemy base contacts the camp, you lose, if you lose half your force, you lose. However, you deploy first, and then have to react to others.
We rolled to see who was defending, I lost! 

Against two High Elf forces, both with powerful shooting, this was always going to be tricky, but I was determined to go down fighting.
So I deployed a central ring of warriors, then as far down the road as I could bare, I positioned another Warrior and my Borderers (at 19 points out of 500, they were always going to be rather sacrificial in this scenario). This would hopefully force John & Jarkko back, whichever line of advance they chose!

John chose to come through the open flank, as his army was bow heavy and needed the range, with his Ent coming through the woods, and his chariot as an outrider. 
Jarkko chose to screen himself with a wall of hills, but throw his knights in a long flank to my right round the wood.
(Feeling somewhat surrounded)

John closed with his archers, isolating a stand of warriors, I tried to form a line against his ent, spears and chariot, whilst trying to form a coherent defense vs Jarkko as he came over the hill. I toyed with mugging John's general with my dragon, but with 7 command points, John would not have lost that one!
 The right

The left! 

I had a couple of turns where my fighting and shooting was AMAZING! John failed to hit my knights, I caught his chariot in the flank, Jarkko's flank charge on my general failed, and I had his knights surrounded, it looked like I might just survive!

But it was not to be! In the second turn of combat Jarkko caused 6 hits on my Baron, who with two saves, and 4 boost points should have stood firm, but fluffed every roll! Five went through! The general was toast! With no way of boosting units or recovering wounds, it was only a matter of time before John & Jarkko could pick me apart.

On John's flank, I was doing OK! Her Imperial Highness was holding up three units on her own, I had dispatched the chariots to find the RAC (Really Awful Chariotry) and I had caught the Ent in the flank, he had two units of bows about to break from combat losses, and my knight, battered by ents, held firm.
But then his general decided to come and play, catching and destroying a unit of warriors and capturing the camp! Loss 1 then...
After that, my forces had had enough! The ent splattered the warriors, the knights collapsed, the warriors facing Jarkko were either shot to pieces or cut down where they stood. I ended up in one turn going from 3/10 lost to 9/10 broken and the camp lost too. Bad day to be a human. 

Even Her Imperial Majesty flew off in disgust!

A great game, enjoyed by all, especially Jarkko's son, who wants to try my undead next week!


  1. Considering it was 2 versus 1 you held on really well!

  2. Sound like you did really well considering what you was facing

    Take care


  3. It was great fun, at least for us :-) We were ready to fight John's elves for supremacy but alas he had to leave so there was no grand finale. I think in that scenario we could have reduced our forces to give defenders a chance. 1 army vs 2 armies is quite impossible but 1 vs 1.5 could still be pulled off.

  4. It was great fun, at least for us :-) We were ready to fight John's elves for supremacy but alas he had to leave so there was no grand finale. I think in that scenario we could have reduced our forces to give defenders a chance. 1 army vs 2 armies is quite impossible but 1 vs 1.5 could still be pulled off.

  5. Jarkko I agree, we each should have started with less (obviously that doesn't mean no Ents) to balance the game. I suppose the scenario, and facing down Mad L's dragon clouded our judgement😗


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