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Showing posts from May, 2024

Blood Bowl Season 2 - First thoughts on a pre-season friendly: Chaos vs Halflings/

"Welcome, Jim, to the highlights of a preseason friendly, between the Beastie Boys and the Coppercorn Steelers..." "Anything Blood Bowl can't be described as friendly Bob, and with two treemen, a minotaur, three Chaos blockers and a load of horned beastmen on the pitch, it will definitely be UNfriendly." "Maybe getting a game versus Halflings was a fun warm up for the Beasties, Jim, but they are a little out of practise." I used to LOVE Blood Bowl. Many years ago, in the Milton Keynes Blood Bowl League, I used quite a few 2nd edition metal teams, sometimes more successful than others. Again, I started trying to take it too seriously, that never goes well for me. Recently, (2016) GW relaunched Blood Bowl (I remember it before polystyrene pitches folks), and popularity down the LB club had always been bubbling under. I looked on with interest at the new teams, and I even painted a S kaven team for Rach's teacher as a thank you, but was never tempte...

10mm Black Powder. 1870 French VI Corps vs Prussian VIII & III Corps: Le Village Est Un Trou.

 Andy invited me over to the Aylesbury club for another Franco-Prussian bash.  This uses these The French VI Corps was holding 'Le Village Est Un Trou', The Prussians had the simple objective, Minor victory - get into the village. Major Victory, breakthrough and cut the French Lines of Communication. The table from the Prussian lines. Andy had rolled randomly and got the Prussians, so I was running Canrobert and the French. French deploy on 'Une Position Magnifique'. Iem Division in the centre, 3em on the left, 2em on the right while 4em reinforces the hill centre. Unfortunately, the French had not prepared and Iem Division was half-in, half-out of various built up areas and not a coherent line (and probably enjoying breakfast and the local population). Generalleutnant Albert von Barnekow brings 16th Infantry Division forwards on the Prussian left. Then Andy has an unprecidented run of blun...

Burrows & Badgers: Battle at the Tomb (Take and hold)

The fire crackled in the bar, spitting as a few walnut shells flew in. It was a warm summer's evening, so the warband stretched leisurely in front of it on different sized chairs rather than outside with the locals. Various creatures sat round, discussing the day's business, some wore variously bright and colourful uniforms of foreign uniforms matching their Germanic accents, slightly soiled and others very bloody in some cases. "Cheers all, a good day," a grey mouse grinned. The leader of the group, Hannibal, habitually chewed a large liquorice stick. Including him, several of the warband had fresh cuts and bruises, but most looked fresh and unscathed. "Being hired to guard six points in the town, great for funding." "Well, that was a tight one!" Aimee, a small shrew, propped her drink back onto the table. "It's alright for you, Hazel, you spent the day guarding the windmill with no-one bothering you, while some of us have nothing to sho...

A rubbish post! 28mm terrain

  Been a while on this thread, Was at Campaign this weekend, and a few bits caught my eye from Products for Wargames , some pre-made fences, some red crystals for sci-fi and these walls in 28mm. You sometimes you just see something and it almost paints itself? Bought on Sunday, finished yesterday! Perticularly like the fallen sections, but don't know why I bought only 7!!!     Warlord Games barrels, painted ages ago, but never posted them here!! Pendraken does 28mm terrain, who knew? Barrels and crates Okay, I'm hooked! Iron Gate fountain Just because it looked cool. Yes, I have turned it round! From above   The rest of the Iron Gate Scenary, useful terrain to hide behind, barrels, boxes, another bag and wagon wheels - 'because there is always wagon wheels'! From above Test pieces of a couple of Iron Gate Scenary bags More on the way... Oi! Who parked that there! More terrain, and it looks like I'm building a rather trashed retail park, as my ...