WARNING, THOSE OF A NERVOUS DISPOSITION, LOOK AWAY NOW, THIS BATTLE REPORT MAY CONTAIN UNBASED MODELS! Last Wednesday, Mark and I got together for a game or two of Xenos Rampant, we both decided to pick forces BEFORE choosing our scenarios, as it makes for some interesting games (in the rules, you are allowed to alter your forces to suirt the scenario, which is a thoroughly civilised thing to do if you ask me). Mark chose to use his Weird War 2 Germans, (3 Greater Xenomorphs, 2 squads of elite infantry - all with no upgrades. I used my Commanche /Skraelings (based on Prey) with a few viking allies! HQ Naru - Primative infantry, armour, combat medic 3 x 15 figure Primative infantry mobs with primative shooting. 1 x Vikings 10 Berserker infantry, heavy armour, boarding shields, unarmed. Scenario 1: Convoy Escort We rolled a random scenario and got Convoy Escort!!! Neither force was geared up for that, so we rolled a dice, and I was escorting the trucks (it would have made sense if...