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Showing posts from July, 2018

10mm Sabresquadron, Soviets vs Canadians

After a busy few weeks with real life stuff, Nick and I finally both made it down the club for a fight! So, it's Sabresquadron, in 10mm, what’s not to love!  Nick has been quietly working on Canadians in 10mm, as it is one force he does did not own, and looking at relations, apart from Ice Hockey, it looked like a good, evenly matched game . My Soviets,  Command 1 T-62B Three tanks units of 3 T-62B Infantry platoon in BMP1Ps, with attached Grenade launcher section Recce platoon in BMP1Ps. 6 x 120mm howisters, with AOP in his newly finished MTu. Counterbattery artillery on call. All figures from Timecast’s amazing Cold War 1984 Soviet range. Nick brought his newly finished Canadians. 3 Leopard1A3(C) Company Command 2 sections of 4 Leopard1A3(C)  2 Infantry platoons An anti tank section with TOWs 4 M109 artillery pieces, and an observer. Newly painted and ready to roll. A fun mix of 3d printed vehicles, and Pendraken vehicles ...

10mm Pendraken Steamroller

A steamroller! For this year's painting competition, I had to modify the boiler at the front (steamrollers all appear to have cut off boilers). I didn't want it too 'showman's engine', so mud liberally applied.

Pete's Tlaxcalans - 15mm for MeG.

A Mezo- American MeG force! 😀 Pete asked me to paint some more Tlaxcalans, so I said yes... 200+ figures later... Archers (he already had 17 stands of these, so I did him another 39 stands) A close up, the original stand is front right (yellow headband) 'Protected' Archers, archers mixed with warriors. General Slingers And you thought I had been quiet of late! Now with added baggage, the giant head was Pete's idea...