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Showing posts from August, 2021

10mm Mortem et Gloriam Early Scots vs Anglo-Danish with over 2000 10mm figures!

Yes, you did read that right! 2000+ 10mm figures, oer 1000 on the Scots and easily more than that on the Anglo-Danish side! Mine are Pendraken, David's are 3d printed. Yes, the future is here folks... Using my same list from Cross and Crescent, David wanted to get his army on table, and who was I to disagree. That's a bit impressive, and that's only his front line as I out scouted him by 40%! The two armies fiully deployed. I think I see the Anglo-Danish battle plan here big long wall, with troops to plug the gaps. Nasty! I position my cavalry to go round to the left where my Norman mercanaries can take on their counterparts. David swings a unit to counter my two cavalry. That's an awful lot of figures about to impact! Mine is more ragedy as I did not have the cards with my mediocre commander to get everyone doubled forwards. Charge? No, I held my line from the left to that arrow as I had integral shooters, and am better receiving than charging. Average, short spear, i...

Cross and Crescent, Mortem et Gloriam competition.

 A weekend competition away up at Element Games in Stockport. The theme was 'Cross and Crescent' where players could either choose from lists themed around Christian states or Muslim states between 1000 to 1149 AD.  Looking at the lists, then looking at the stack of toys. Two choices, horse archers, which I am hopeless with, or Early Scots which I used previously . Early Scots it is, a list that stinks, but can occasionally pull it out the bag. Round 1 vs Hunter's Bedouin Dynasties . Round 1 draw came up and it was Hunter with Bedouin Dynasties. So far I have never beaten Hunter. *SPOILERS* Give you a clue, not fourth time lucky either... Did not help I over slept, woke up at 07.49 and it's a three hour drive to Stockport. Games started at 09.30, I arrived at 09.31. Oops, oh well... Scouting cards, thought I was doing okay, only 30% outscouted by an all cavalry force is quite impressive. It very quickly became apparent what Hunter's oh-so-subtle-plan would be. I...