Wednesday night gaming, it must be the school holidays! Paul and I met, slightly belatedly, up at the Leighton Buzzard Wargaming Club (my youngest had football training until 7.30, so we were among the last to arrive), conditions were hot and sticky, and that's the joy of 15 middle aged men meeting in an average sized office space on a third floor of an amazing south facing building. Paul was trying out a potential Britcon list, of German City States, while I reactivated my oh-so-successful-this-should-be-useless Early Scot s that had come 4th at Out of The Dark Ages in the spring. Regular readers will remember this is a horde of nothingness, mostly tribal close short spear shieldwall in 8s, with the odd 6 and two 6s of formed superiors and one 8 of combat shy, supported by Vikings (two more units of the same, and a units of 2 handed cut and crush superiors) with a unit of Norman knights (charging lancer, devastating charge, melee experts) and a unit of mounted warriors (s...