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Showing posts from December, 2021

Adeptus Titanicus: my first game.

 Wednesday night and Cliff at the Leighton Buzzard club was kind enough to take me through the basics of Adeptus Titanicus. I used to play the original version back in the 90s vs Colin in Shrewsbury (Hi Colin if you are out there). Having seen several games at the club, I took the plunge and painted up some Titans . Now time to take them for a walk and see what they can do...  Both of us are running chaos forces, me in purple, and my mighty opponent in green. Cliff and I positioned some terrain on my matt, the old Kill Team building look good at this scale, plus Cliff had some hills and smaller buildings too. We deployed matched titans for this first encounter. Deploying, Cliff's knights were central, and his Warhounds and Reaver were on the right. My knights, Brad and Janet, matched him, Colombia (my central warhound), Magenta and Riff-Raff (my other warhound and my Reaver) deployed on the right. Riff had an early view on the opposing reaver, but his early shots bounced off...

Mortem et Gloriam - Ribble Rumble 10mm Senguko Samurai vs 15mm anything medieval!

 Last Saturday Imi and I headed up to Stockport and the Element Games , myself for four rounds of MeG , and Imi for two days of Star Wars:Legion . I spent much of my time looking after Imi while she played, so the quantity and quality of photos in the following reports may be lacking ( you, yes you laddie, stop celebrating )! My list, oh, this old thing. I thought you would never ask! It's my completely the same as usual, unchanged, Senguko Samurai. Yes, that one! "But that's not medieval!" I hear you cry. The brief was any army after 1070, so game on! Probably it's last ride before the cavalry lose their skilled status, so we will see how it changes after that. Round 1 vs Cid and his Frisians (Medieval Danish with German Allies) Cid, again! In round 1, vs me ! But of course this was going to be an epic fight. We went very very dense, with an added layer of extra denseness. I defended in mountains. Secure forest flanks, another forest, three woods, two villages. W...