The ambassador peeled himself slowly from the cavity he had just made in the wall, possible broken ribs, and he was sure that his arm should not bend in that direction. "That was an act of belligerence, that was war! Earth Central will put our fleets on alert. We cannot stand this insult!" The (heavily armoured) diplomatic drone fluttered nearby. "Oh, be quiet drone!" the Emperor's voice echoed in his head. He still wasn't sure how the drone heard it, but it fluttered backwards, aviding the tentacle the zoomed past it's front.It was learning to avoid these blows, after, what was it, sixth new chassis? The Auran Emperor, resplendent in a newly fabbed tank of seawater, floated where at least two stories of the embassy had once stood. "I was only patting the Ambassador on the back for his fine decision!" Once, long ago, actually about half-an-hour and a wall ago, the Ambassador had been soundly asleep, but had, again, been roused from his slumber...