Another Warfare warm-up, with Paul trying out a different list variant from the later book, and my glorious Mitanni getting in vital practise before Warfare. Median Empire , used by a mathematician, there must be some mean-mode - median-range jokes here... Nope, I got nothing . There are three units of infantry, off right-----> Centre, what centre? Early skirmishing, lots of dice, not many hits! That's the five right hand dice... That's the two left hand dice vs Paul's superior cavalry (White+ means S wounds, so nasty) On the right, that's an awful lot of infantry, which I wanted to get in on, but there is a lot of shooting stuff in the way. Paul's skilled shooters erm... missed! Paul pointing out the error of my ways as he concentrates three units on my 4 of superiors. Paul starting to envelop my flanks. I lost a base! I killed a unit of Paul's horse in melee and then where to go next? (2-0) Trying to catch smoke on the...