Prendraken armoured bears (or as the Great Phillip Pullman callls them panserbjørne!). Great sculpts by Phil at Pendraken Nasty unit, hard as nail, erm... has anyone got the stats? Top view, winter is coming! With dice frame in place. Meteorite armor And I also painted a unit of pegasii from Pendraken. My little pony inspired of course! Rainbow dash is of course airborne first! Rainbow tails and cutie marks... Not powerful nWarband, but man they look anoying! Maybe a bit close due to turbuance! Not a Pendraken dragon (sorry), but still a useful large dragon in 15mm, which in 10mm make it perfect! Needed a green... And a quick size comparrison in 10mm The Eagles are coming! Unicorns or My Little Ponies! Bonus points if you can name them all! A crash of rhinos. Been a while, but here are two new stands for Warband. 'Red Squadron, check in..." Dwarf gyrocopters, had to really! ( Can I hear the Airwolf theme? ) Red - too...