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Showing posts from November, 2022

Soldiers of Napoleon - 1815 Anglo-Allied vs French. Battle of The Long Hill

Phil and I met for another 15mm bash of Soldiers of Napoleon on Wednesday, with 750 points and 4 brigades each, one off table but plenty on. My forces, not the elite heavy British force but my mixed allied division: Could they do better than last weeks debacle when I lost twice with my Austrians vs Neil (no battle report for that one, sorry, it was all over in a flash)? British Infantry Brigade KSLI - 5x Line infantry, attached rifles. Saff Essex - 5 x Line infantry, attached rifles Highlanders - 5 x Vet infantry 2 stand 9lber battery with full caissons Nassau Brigade 1st Nassau - 5 x Vet light infantry 2nd Nassau 5 x light infantry 4 x Belgian militia infantry 2 stand 9lber battery with full caissons Brunswick Brigade Leib light infantry - 5 x light infantry 1st foot - 5 x militia 2nd foot - 4 x militia Brunswick Uhlans - 3 lancers 2 stand 6lber horse artillery battery Off table in reserve, due to arrive after turn 2. Dutch Light Cavalry Brigade 4 x 8em Belgian light dragoons 4 x ...

Burrows and Badgers: The Battle of the Paychest

Deep in the cellar of The Garrison, the Squeaky Blinders regrouped after their first outing in the area. Most nursed cuts and grazes, a few deeper injuries the Jerimiah Cheeses had treated. "Oi thought yow said grabbing that paychest was an easy run Tommy?" Arthur the stoat complained, a mad glint in his eye. "'How was Oi to know there were three other gangs after it at the same time, and two of them were tooled up, brother," the gang leader munched on his habitual carrot while leaning back against a barrel of XXX, his hat tilted over his eyes. "Good thing we had the lay of the land before hand," Clarrise added from near the stairs, picking up a tray of goblets. "Yeah, we knew the chest was somewhere in the dumped supplies in the middle, just a matter of scrambling to get at it," John the adder slithered in through a hole, several sticking platers covering the length of his body, "why are we down here, the bar upstairs is nice and warm...

1809 Austrian Napoleonics in 10mm - extra units for 'Soldiers of Napoleon' or 'Glorie de Guerre'

Lockdown conversation with Matt - are we going to playtest the new MeG inspired Napoleonics? Yeah, why not! I thought on this, Matt is doing the Confederation of The Rhine in 10mm, what did I fancy? I already have a MASSIVE 1815 Anglo-Dutch, and an all conquering 1806 Prussians (seriously, one of the worst armies ever), so what to choose? French and Prussian means more Dark Blue, and I need a break from Dark Blue, so I had a look at the Pendraken catalogue , and well...   Fresh Austrian units, 6th Blankenstein Hussars. CHARGE! WIth the other Hussars and Chevauxlegers, it takes my light cavalry division up to three units. Soon to be in action (I hope). To be split up into detachments, Grenz These might grow into a full unit too. Skirmish line Austrian skirmishers to be attached to line units, hence the different cuffs. Hopefully hold back the French for a while? Austrian line fillers, to bulk my units up to the equivalent of five base widths for Soldiers of Na...