Phil and I met for another 15mm bash of Soldiers of Napoleon on Wednesday, with 750 points and 4 brigades each, one off table but plenty on. My forces, not the elite heavy British force but my mixed allied division: Could they do better than last weeks debacle when I lost twice with my Austrians vs Neil (no battle report for that one, sorry, it was all over in a flash)? British Infantry Brigade KSLI - 5x Line infantry, attached rifles. Saff Essex - 5 x Line infantry, attached rifles Highlanders - 5 x Vet infantry 2 stand 9lber battery with full caissons Nassau Brigade 1st Nassau - 5 x Vet light infantry 2nd Nassau 5 x light infantry 4 x Belgian militia infantry 2 stand 9lber battery with full caissons Brunswick Brigade Leib light infantry - 5 x light infantry 1st foot - 5 x militia 2nd foot - 4 x militia Brunswick Uhlans - 3 lancers 2 stand 6lber horse artillery battery Off table in reserve, due to arrive after turn 2. Dutch Light Cavalry Brigade 4 x 8em Belgian light dragoons 4 x ...