Wooden Spoon, this will be a fun chariot theme. The first ride of the three chariot books in a major competition. I was bringing my Mitanni, in the massive effort to show that in this 'scissor-paper-stone-lizard-Spock' period can be fought by the equivalent of a horse archer army. Below in my list (and Cid's). Now completely illegal... The runners and riders for this competition. Cid and I ended up using EXACTLY the same army, exactly, down to every last detail! The first two games also feature shot curtsy of Nik Gaukroger. Game 1 : The draw, I get another fight against Pete Entwistle after out tussle at Ribble Rumble . Five Hegemons is an impressive list, and Pete's armies are always beautiful. The table fell as 'dense' and it's not greatly chariot friendly is it? Waterway, hill, a town, rocky ground and woods. Yay, I out scout the Chinese by 50% This one wasn't subtle, Pete deployed on his hill, and came through a wood, ...