Or Dux Brittanium et praesido par rura colit murum vs Алтан ордон. All in glorious 10mm Technicolor. Both armies were mine, Paul was using my Mongols as MeG Golden Horde whilst I was using my Bremainer Roman-British garrison. Paul had four generals, two 6s of light horse, two sixes of unprotected cavalry, many fours of protected cavalry and four superior protected of cavalry. My list was two 6s of cavalry (one superior), 1 6 of light horse archers, 1 4 of heavily armoured catafracts, 2 sixes of average limitarii Auxilia (Wall Hinterland Garrison), 2 6s of average field legionarii, 1 Auxilia Palatina (superior auxilia) and 1 Guard Legionarii This was not going to be easy! My Romans would be out shot, all Paul's horse was equipped with the Mongol super-weapon of Powerbows, short spear/melee expert and a good chunk was superior, my cavalry was basically dead, the Roman's 'shieldcover' (ie Tursio) was also nullified by powerbows, I was a sitting duck!! So, I had to...