Last night's scrap at Milton Keynes . Me using my Meglomaniacs and Warfare list. Pete was using his Early Byzantines again, heftily tweaked from our last game. My Sassanids are unchanged since Derventio. Pete was using 4 competent generals, 2 8 of Skutatoi foot, An 8 of Isurians 2 6s of Hunnic horse, melee experts, 2 6s of Devastating charge cavalry with melee experts, A small 4 of superior kavallarioi also melee experts. 2 4s of AVERAGE catafracts, An average 6 of short spear melee experts kavallarioi A unit of light foot archers. So, his army out fights mine in many areas, this was going to have hard old fight. I kept Pete in the open & plains section of the terrain chart, as I was defending. He out-scouted me by 50%, 7 units out, don't mind that. That's my small cavalry units and my levy foot units then! We both forgot our mats, so club cloth it was... The most important decision was the night's choice of sweet, ...