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2019 in review and moving on to 2020. The further thoughts of Chairman Meow.

So, in terms of wargames and painting how did 2019 go for Mad Lemmey?

Not a bad year to be honest, lots to be excited about.
Ho! Ho! Ho!

Looking at Last Year's thoughts, what have I actually played?

 Why is that up there twice?
 A LOT of MeG! An awful lot of MeG, nearly 70 games... Why? Coz I really enjoy it.

So, apart from MeG, why does Carcassione and King of Tokyo feature so prominently? Simples, I play them with my wife and daughters, and they all count, right?

Last Days:Zombie Apocalypse came from out of the left field, and I've absolutely loved it, and even to the point of actually shelling out on terrain and a game mat, and the Blogs have been great fun to write..

Sabresquadron took a hit as Nick has been rather busy with a new job, and I've got North and South Koreans to try out.

Warband also, as I've been MeGging...
Armada and X-Wing have been rather sidelined too, but really want to do more..

Gaming itself has taken a hit since September, as my beloved eldest daughter has taken up archery, and in winter that happens on Thursday nights, which is my usual game night, so I'm now fishing round for games on different nights at different clubs and friends houses. Pleeeeeaaaaaasssseee.

So, what is lined up in my future gaming?
X-Wing on Thursday, only ever played 4 games before, and I am so looking forwards to getting these out again.
That might be my only Thursday for a long while...
MeG Weekends on the way:
 Burton: Ancients, Derventio: Ancients, Warfare: Eastern Themed, Skull Rollers: Open Competition, Campaign: Team event with three periods (Viking Age, Medieval France and Africa), Warfare: Bronze Ages
Other stuff, no idea, but isn't that the best way to be?

Painting, 2875 figures (with 100 on the table to finish basing), so a bit down on last year, but still an impressive total.

Why a relative drop in numbers? The biggest project was our redesigned (f)utility room and painting that. Mostly I have rediscovered 28mm via Last Days:Apocalypse and been rather enjoying them, plus Roger's huge and detailed Cathars, rebasing takes time,but I loved them all; plus May and November were very slow months, a slight drop in mojo and very detailed FPW commission, but nothing to worry about.

What have I done this year? Well, look at the painting posts, that's why I originally set up this thing, this painting blog, go on, dare ya!
My current obsession: Hausa
Meerkats for Hammy
Korean War North Koreans
Mortal Gods
Nakatomi Plaza
Ray's stuff
ECW Cavalry for Jerry
1:3000 WW2 Warships
Samurai for Pete
Cathars for Roger
28mm Terrain
A few Wooden Spoons 
Top up on my Later Romans
Chad's LOA
1864 Winter Prussians
18th Division, IX Corps Prussians
Timecast Terrain
Invasion Earth
Cruel Seas
Cannanites and Syrians for Graham
Warband Dragonmen
Rebased and added shield transfers to Ray's Russians
Hasslefree Survivors
Militia Miniatures Mercanaries
Libyans for Graham
French Farmhouse
WoTR Hobbits
Swiss for Graham
Police for Dave
Buildings for Nobby
Flags of War Jacobites
A black dragon
Timecast and Pendraken moderns
Early Medieval Scots 
Hittites for Graham
Frostgrave wandering monsters

 Enough? Maybe...
Let's see what 2020 brings! Looking forwards to it.


  1. Well Will an impressive array of games played and I can't comprehend how you find the time to paint so many figures! At least you've had a really good year and had fun, which is the most important thing. All the best for 2020.

    1. very productive year on both gaming and painting fronts. Your output is amazing and support over at Pendraken forum unstinting.


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