As the months go on, I am finding more random stuff that does not fit into any catagory is creeping it's way up to the surface of my lead mountain.
I decided a few years back, rather than just throw it back like one of Nobby's escaped socks, I would actually paint some of them

Back view

Side on



Catch of the day!


Quick job, but fun

Rough bunch

Distancing themselves from the Bard!


Converted GW 1990s halfling on a Ral Patha sheep - a ram raider!

There are quite a few more of these to do, but this one fell off the lead pile while I was looking for something else.

He will become part of a Dragoon Rampant units I suspect

Back view


A bit WWE, a bit Borat!

One of my all-time favourite 2000AD characters (2000AD is a British sci-fi based comic for those not from the fair shores of Blighty).


I got hold of two of these on Evil Bay, one uncommon (yellow base rim), one rare (red base rim), so I trashed the rare one (and kept the base elsewhere).

This is a simple conversion of a heroclix figure, Excessus, Sword Sinister replaced, base ripped off and new one sculpted, undercoated figure, completly repainted, flying stem attached.

Sometimes, you just need a serious demon prince!

Is this a dagger?

You know the rest!

Beshadowed king

Dip dyed hair too.

Wings were fun to do

Certain smugness about her.

Twinned with a light 'come and have a go if you think you are hard enough' air!

Penguin with SMG

No, no idea either, but I knew I had to have it!

Not the world's most interesting back view I will admit!

But I LOVE the character of it!

Best thing in a rather dodgy movie!

And he's been busy, not even sure he plays Saga, but would make a good Pictish Warband leader!

Vampire Lady, her husband and a few pets

You weren't expecting Guinea Pigs were you?

Even flying ones!

They may become Transylvanian advisors for Xenos Rampant Soviets!
Again, from Brian's collection. I know Tolkien describes her as clad in green, but Brian had started her in blue, so blue it is.

It's actually a beautiful sculpt, not usually a fan of Mithril Miniatures sculpts, but this one is fabulous.

She's looking really good.

Just so much detail on the dress folds

Useful blokes on a fight no doubt!

Armed with whatever comes to hand I guess

Chap on the right really is a good conversion.

Big boy

Big and nasty

Probably a bad guy

I mean, what is he trying to prove?

Abilities? Strength? Flight? Self belief? Poser?

And a tree that someone left at a competition that needed a base.

As I was doing tarten, I thought, why not?

She's a bonnies lass!

Her hair does look impressive


No idea what I would use him for

Q What do misers do on a cold day?
A Sit round a candle

Q What do misers do on a REALLY cold day?
A Light it!

On a rocket-powered board!


With dynamite

"Sgt 'Arpurr.."

Where's his eagle?

When I paint fantasy mages, I like to keep it Loki.

"Mewling quim!"

Note the second dagger.

Footsore viking warrior

I did get rid of the flock, honest


Painted for Halloween, never mind, sure one will get used for zombie hunting!

Ghostly fox


Where are you?

Couldn't work out a colour scheme, it kind of happened...


![]() |

Not a big one, but still will hurt

A WW2 fox in 28mm

A sci-fi fox in 28mm

and a mage in 28mm

Not the best jobs I'e ever done (the lighting was bad today as I had all the curtains drawn to keep the heat out) but they are out the lead mountain!

Crimson Skies autogyro

Apparently they are awful in the game

Pink and green dazzle camo was... NOT MY FAULT! Blame Hammy!

Even has room for a passenger/gunner?

Vought Raven on approach

It just needs a billionare playboy/superhero to pilot it!


It's like the Liberator, which way does it go?
Yes, it's a pusher plane!

Many guns

Swinging hard

Olodahn is a giant btw!

Is Count Brass compensating for something?

Did the labelling and shields in the 80s too, could not face repainting them!

Aspects of the Eternal Champion (one from 1986, one from 1988).

A winged, erm... something!

I'm sure it will get used as a god/demon/bad guy/alien in something...

The white boots are very very disco

I am sure the back assembly has a meaning, no idea what though!

What did she want, "A panda!"
Slight head scratch later, and Hasslefree ordercome in.
It's tiny, but it's a panda!

Then lost one arm,
Then lost the Scythe that had come detached.
Gave up.
Sat in a box...
Eventually (last weekend), I was looking for something else in many other boxes, and found all the bits, one by one, so...
My two/one favourite Discworld character.



What would humans be without love?
RARE answered Death.


'You can't give her that!' she screamed. 'It's not safe!'
'She's a child!' shouted Crumley.
'What if she cuts herself?'

You know when you need a specific piece of terrain?
In this case, a jump gate for Billion Suns, as I have loads to ships, but all come with their own hyperdrives.
So, there I was helping my youngest daughter to assemble her robot-table-vacuum-cleaner-thing she got for her birthday, when we found we had a sprue frame of transparent day-glo green left over.
Plus a bit of flash from a Forge World resin casting.
A pin, a base, a bit of dayglo green paint and an 'ACME' sign:- One jump gate!
The flash from the Forgeworld tag, with a bit of milliputt, made a perfect counterweight/powercell for the gate.

Cheap, cheerful, and very very bright green! No way you can miss this in deep space!

I ordered some weapons from Alternative Armies for 28mm conversion work, and this came attached as a freebie.
No idea why someone sculpted a figure being attacked by chemeleons, but you know...
So, here is Sir Kenneth the Permanantly Surprised. A reclining 28mm knight with beasties!

It's a long story... 20 years long to be fair, but one of my all-time favourite webcomics! Agin, the figure has been sitting there waiting to be painted for a good 8 years.

This time my offering is two Essex miniatures (I know they are Essex as they say Essex under their bases) - guess they are 15mm giants/minotaurs? Anyway, they are painted now.

Sometime in the mid to late 90s, my friend Dean left his box of 15mm
SDD and QRF Americans at my Mum's house. I still have them, and up
until 2015 used them regularly (rebasing them for Flames of War). I
haven't seen Dean since the mid-00s, but he always said that as long as
the army was getting used, he was fine with that (same goes for my US,
Soviet and British Cold War fleets he had, I think I got the better end
of the deal TBH). AFter I fell out of loe with Flames in 2016, they have
been sitting there, gathering dust..
But 5+ years later, I
decided that I had had enough of this figure's blister appearing at the
top of the lead mountain when I was looking for more important things,
and it was time to get it painted at last.
L4 Grasshopper AOP. Used to be utterly cheesy in Flames of War, but since I don't play any more, it was fun to do.
did have transfers, but not the blue backed stars and bars, so I had to
freehand the background, bars and invasion stripes, so I decided it
might be easier to freehanded the lot, and it fits in better with the
hand painted ethos that the brilliantly painted 30 year old infantry and
armour that the rest of the army has.
I actually quite enjoyed it, but no idea if, or when, I will ever use it.
most important thing is I keep adding to Dean's army, so that if he
ever does want it back, it will be bigger, and hopefully be in a better
state than when I 'borrowed' it.
Underside, which no one gets to see.
Just a silly shot
I miss using the army, must find another rules set for it...
Who would have a Samurai cat and dog? Of course, you would! Nice job Will.
ReplyDeleteghostly fox for the winnnnnnnnnnnnn
ReplyDeletesci-fi fox for the winnnnnnnnnnnn toooooooo
ReplyDeleteww2 fox for the win alsoooooo
ReplyDeleteThanks Mason, Imi was laughing at this, and so am I!