An orc, been sitting in the pile of shame for a while.

He's on a 30x30mm base

Probably end up with my gobbos

He's on a 30x30mm base

Probably end up with my gobbos

Four more skeletons, a gift from my lovely neighbour Brian.
Two Prinz August self molded skeletons and two games workshop skeletons.

Back view

Quite a mix of weaponry

Two Prinz August self molded skeletons and two games workshop skeletons.

Back view

Quite a mix of weaponry


Antediluvian Miniatures recently produced these, and I just had to have them!
Left - Right
Heinrich Kemmler, Lord Krell, Ranlac the Black and Mikeal Jacsen!

The four main characters based on the illustrations within 'The Terror of The Lichemaster warhammer 2nd edition mini-campaign. PDF here
They are the main antagonsits of the campaign, and genuinely nasty pieces of work!

I moved the arm pose on Krell to give him some depth

For c£20 they are lot bigger, and a damn sight more affordable, that the price the originals go for on ebay!

Left - Right
Heinrich Kemmler, Lord Krell, Ranlac the Black and Mikeal Jacsen!

The four main characters based on the illustrations within 'The Terror of The Lichemaster warhammer 2nd edition mini-campaign. PDF here
They are the main antagonsits of the campaign, and genuinely nasty pieces of work!

I moved the arm pose on Krell to give him some depth

For c£20 they are lot bigger, and a damn sight more affordable, that the price the originals go for on ebay!

Three (maybe two, one is a mounted version of himself, the one
with the beer mug), two on the left are 'Kalmarr' from CP models, one on
the right is a mage/alchemist.


Back view

Is the anvil symbolic?


Back view

Is the anvil symbolic?

Chaos Fire Mage, with a hint of witcher...
Yennifer of Vanderberg

Tried to make her look like the video game, which I don't own!



Yennifer of Vanderberg

Tried to make her look like the video game, which I don't own!




Another gobbo, wiv an axe!

He's meant to be a Hobgoblin King (what, if anything, is the difference between hobgoblins and goblins?)


He's meant to be a Hobgoblin King (what, if anything, is the difference between hobgoblins and goblins?)


One of my neighbours gifted me some old old old figures, these
two 1980s skeletons - GW type, join the Order of the White Bear.

Top view

Good fun painting these

There's more to do

But these two are cool, skeletons have no body heart!

Chaos warrior

Mostly ostrich, a large amount snake, some human.

Quite an interesting sculpt, who did this one?

Certainly a night terror!

Top view

Good fun painting these

There's more to do

But these two are cool, skeletons have no body heart!

Chaos warrior

Mostly ostrich, a large amount snake, some human.

Quite an interesting sculpt, who did this one?

Certainly a night terror!

A new Jason - erm... Goblin with a stinking great axe!

Must be posh Jason, as he's got trim on his cloak!

Grainy cloak, obvious doesn't use biological powder.

Mean and moody

Must be posh Jason, as he's got trim on his cloak!

Grainy cloak, obvious doesn't use biological powder.

Mean and moody

Throw a penny to your Witcher!
A witcher, a trainee witcher and an Imperial mage.
Okay, I admit it, I loved the series...

My usual view

She really doesn't lean like that!

They look a bit good really!

White hair and frost, doesn't really work!
A witcher, a trainee witcher and an Imperial mage.
Okay, I admit it, I loved the series...

My usual view

She really doesn't lean like that!

They look a bit good really!

White hair and frost, doesn't really work!

Figures from Brother Vinni
Jeanne de Clisson - The Lioness of Brittany - this time mounted.

Another figure!
Jeanne de Clisson - The Lioness of Brittany from Bad Squiddo
Quite a lady, pirate queen and all!!
Annoyimngly, she was a little camera shy, so I had to subject her to an outdoors photoshoot!

Jeanne de Clisson - The Lioness of Brittany from Bad Squiddo
Quite a lady, pirate queen and all!!
Annoyimngly, she was a little camera shy, so I had to subject her to an outdoors photoshoot!

28mm Goblins.
More Jasons, not idea why, just fancied painting some, to be used in Dragon Rampant or Frostgrave or...
First batch from Westfailia Miniatures, a gift from Bill when he sent me his Kickstarter as he was moving to Singapore back in 2018. It included a small amount of 'Steppe Goblins'.
Spear totting Jasons, I could have straightened the resin spears, but something more disorganised about having cronked weapons.

Shield details

Trudge trudge trudge!

Running away!

A unit of six scouts



A pose I suspect I will see a lot! RUN AWAY!

Big Steppe Jason

Mean and moody!

Packing extra armamant

The infantry gang

Not too heavy man!

Oathmark plastic goblin wolf riders. Really not sure why, just like them a lot!
Wolf rider spears

They went that a way!


Top view

Quite like the figures, wolves feel big, or is it that the Jasons have small heads!

Wolf rider archers

Wonder if they ever heard of Parthians?

This is what I think about when I consider what Goblin armies should be like, hordes of fur wearing wolf ridingLuton Town Fans looters, not GW pointy hatted loons!

Haing fun with spare figures (Dragon Rampant suggests 6 to a unit, and there are 15 to a box, I will buy another box and these will be subsumed in)



More Jasons, not idea why, just fancied painting some, to be used in Dragon Rampant or Frostgrave or...
First batch from Westfailia Miniatures, a gift from Bill when he sent me his Kickstarter as he was moving to Singapore back in 2018. It included a small amount of 'Steppe Goblins'.
Spear totting Jasons, I could have straightened the resin spears, but something more disorganised about having cronked weapons.

Shield details

Trudge trudge trudge!

Running away!

A unit of six scouts



A pose I suspect I will see a lot! RUN AWAY!

Big Steppe Jason

Mean and moody!

Packing extra armamant

The infantry gang

Not too heavy man!

Oathmark plastic goblin wolf riders. Really not sure why, just like them a lot!
Wolf rider spears

They went that a way!


Top view

Quite like the figures, wolves feel big, or is it that the Jasons have small heads!

Wolf rider archers

Wonder if they ever heard of Parthians?

This is what I think about when I consider what Goblin armies should be like, hordes of fur wearing wolf riding

Haing fun with spare figures (Dragon Rampant suggests 6 to a unit, and there are 15 to a box, I will buy another box and these will be subsumed in)



A few newbies join the crowd! Elf mages by Nolzur's Unpainted

Three classic Citadel knights (just noticed the similarity between the right hand and Lucie from 'Disenchantment')!

My 90s paintjob was soooo bad!

Although my shield painting has not improved!

Cleric for Mark to use in our D&D campaign (a shed dive while bored over Easter weekend)

Three classic Citadel knights (just noticed the similarity between the right hand and Lucie from 'Disenchantment')!

My 90s paintjob was soooo bad!

Although my shield painting has not improved!

Mark wanted him to be a templar type (even with the horns).

A few more figures added from the backlog.
Four more characters from the boxed set
There are two more, but no idea where they are?
This dwarf disappointed me when I first got him in 1993, no armour, not an impressive weapon, but actually painted up okay.
This figure REALLY annoyed me, it just feel WRONG! no scabbard, so it must be magic right? Or could the sculpter not be bothered? Also, the armour? "Half Scale armour, no we meant halfway down!"
One of three mages in the set, will find the others one year...
Wood Elf Archer, pre GW doing interesting things with elves, this one really feels a bit dull.
And a Ral
Patha Half-Elf Ranger that I bought in a set in the 90s (the Dragon went
to my mum), but had never painted. I always liked this figure as she
was not too scantily dressed!
A dwarf smith (might have to be a mage) and a Tin Man (medium construct maybe?)

Another dwarf berserker

Pre the orange haired GW days I guess!
Another Terror of The Lichemaster figure, 'John-Boy'.
Since I was on an ancient dwarf theme, here are three more 'classics'. Okay, two classics and something else...
Dwarf on his throne, Juggo the Berserker from the Magnificent Sven, and Gimbrin Finehelm from Terror of The Lichmaster
Been a while, but rooting through boxes for Isolation projects, I found these, and a quick repaint later, here we have some more figures for both my warband and some opposition.
Adventurers, L-R 'Arka ScarGill' , The Magnificent Sven, a halfling, and a Figure with 41d under his base.
The Dwarfs
With the token halfling (I love halflings, never have enough)
41d, whoever he is! A useful slinger, several thousand miles north of where he is supposed to be one suspects!
Now some wandering monsters monsters...
Giant birds that inhabit the ruins... Copplestone Penguins, must have bought these in 2007-8?
p.p.p.p.p. Pick up a penguin!
Darkness engulfs the batch
The batch

Close up of the shields in detail.
GW LoTR Wraith King from the 80s...
Last of my original batch of wandering monsters.
Snow Leopard
Wild Boar, sorry to bore you
And a couple of 1980s and 1990s Demons that are being repurposed for Frostgrave.
Minor Demon - 'slottabase' removed and rebased.
Major Demon (or Balrog - as it says on the base, a present from my Step-Granny in about 1988)
To scale with a 32mm Frostgrave undead.
More treasures, and a skeletal rat that had escaped basing!
An extra wand that I lost from the original batch!
Finally got round to painting my undead for Frostgrave, and another Goblin!
Order of The White Bear, an ancient military order, sworn to defend something, even after death. Unfortunatly, a lack of vocal chords means that asking them what their mission was is rather difficult, and no one gets near enough to ask, or ask and survive long enough to get a translation!
The boss is camera shy!
Rear view of the boss.
A ground burster, ambush is a nasty weapon!
Jason the Apprentice, he may be gifted as a natural magician, but he is also gifted at carrying magic items!
Spare part cache!

Can you out run him?
The originals follow:
This was a Kickstarter Hasslefree ran a while back, I backed it to the tune of half a dozen figures. Most of the choices were rather scantily clad, fortunately, Kev White also decided to sculpt a set of figures that were sensibly wrapped up for the winter - thus brilliant for the idea of FrostgraveThe warband.
I feel I might need some long range missile support.
Warband leader - Necromancer
Barbarian I
Barbarian II (let's just imagine she has left a warm, sensible cloak somewhere shall we)
So, I decided to add some more bits...
Treasures (the objectives of the game)

My first wandering monsters, bears (I bought these about 8 yeras ago, thinking I might use them as Snow Trolls in Bloodbowl Norse team)

And approaching a warrior

Who says Humans get all the fun in Frostgrave. Dark Hold Goblins, by Rebel Miniatures.

This was a Kickstarter from years back, and now I've bought reinforcements to make these into a warband too.
Jason the Mage, with his familiar, Little Jason

Jason the Warrior

Jason the Assassin

And a female character, now, I couldn't call her Jason could I?
Jacinta The Witch

That's the feminine for Jason
A few more beasties arrived!
Wild doggies.
It's a bad day if this lot all turn up at once!
Next few figures done. Enjoy. Hasslefree female adventures, as I decided I needed more long range firepower.
An archer, a red witch and another archer (who claims she is a member of royalty, but no-one is sure)
And now for my 'other' gang by Rebel Miniatures.
Goblin warriors
At my eldest's suggestions, Jason on the left put his lovely new red jacket in the wash with the other's uniform. Thus he sports a rather large black-eye!
Serg Jason IS NOT HAPPY!
Jasintia the Druid, with Ratusratus, her familiar
As a druid, plants spring back to life near her.
Jason the Knight
Seriously armoured goblin!
With his familial crest, the Moaning Jasinta!
Jason the Ranger
Jason 'Crowbiter' the Mage (Hasslefree)
Jason the Barbarian (by being a Goblin Barbarian, he can read and write, appreciates fine art and knows a lot about C4thBCE Greek philosophy)
Up for a game of Frostgrave then?
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, just need to paint my undead!
DeleteDue to circumstances beyond my control etc etc.
DeleteI had the terrain all ready as well...
There is some old school here
ReplyDeleteOnly going back to the 80s...
DeleteI've some Britain's from the 20s in the garage!