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Pulp Alley - Peaky Blinders vs The Top Gang

Mort very kindly offered to take me through a game of 'Pulp Alley' last week, suggesting I use my converted 'Peaky Blinders' vs his gang in a daring AVBCW type encounter. (Self-referencing link to my figures here)
So, I jolly well got my figures out, and with a copy of the rules, considered what to make them all.

The Peakies:
Back row, left to right, with skills used:
Arthur Shelby, level 3, bodyguard, Aunt Polly, level 2, Finn, level 2 long burst, Tommy, leader, level 4, sharpshooter.
Front row three level 1 gang members, all with boosted melee attacks.

The terrain, my church, some decent hedges, and Mort's rather spiffing mat. The scenario was to recover whatever was hidden in teh church safe. Simple smash and grab. However, the local big-wigs had the combination to the lock box, and would need to be interrogated for it first.

"At 666 lives a Mr. Millar, he's teh local vicar and serial killer."

Our nearest source of the code was Lady Millicent Springly-Bilge, off on her daily constitutional.

The Peakies deploy, Tommy, Arthur and a gang member tasked with getting the info and securing teh safe, while Finn, Aunt Polly and some of the boys 'distract' anyone else trying to get there.

Oh no! Someone else was after the contents, it's Mort's dastedly 'Top Gang;, led by Clarkson, aided by The Professor, the Hamster, Sabine (who may or may not be of Germanic descent), Top Dog and The Stig! They were going to ask Dr C Warner what he knew.

Tommy moves up quickly and turns on the Old Shelby charm, flattering the combination out of the dear lady before she knew what was happening.

The gang member sprints off towards the vestry with the combination, while Tommy and Arthur take a leisurely stroll, looking all innocent like! The rest of the gang start to engage Clarkson, but soon realise that level 1s don't stand much chance of damaging a level 4! However, level 4s will do a LOT of damage to level 1s & 2s in return!

Only to come under a barrage of fire from the Top Gang, with Clarkson using 'possibly the best gun (pause) IN THE WORRRRLD!'
By this point, Polly and the other two gang member were out of action due to the power of Clarkson and teh Hamster being rather good shots. Top Dog had run off, and Finn was spending his time using his template weapon to keep the Top Gang occupied. Arthur was knocked down by Clarkson's shooting, protecting Tommy from the shots with his 'Bodyguard' ability. He recovered and was fine shortly after (if a little miffed by the whole situation), and his tommygun blast removes the Professor, a valuable asset for the Top Gang.

The gang member scuttles inside the church in the West door in an effort to locate the safe.

Only to find Sabine running in through the North door moments later.

A blast from his shotgun puts Sabine down, but The Hamster is on the scene, and a tense stand-off ensues, while Clarkson sprints across to join in the Top Gang's ace safe cracking team.

Meanwhile, and enraged Arthur launches himself at an injured Stig.

At this point, we called it a night, as my gang member did not possess the wherewithal to crack the safe, but The Hamster and Clarkson were too much a of a danger, but they were likely to get shot if they also moved on the safe. Both parties recovered their wounded and slunk off into the shadows without the contents.
(We actually lost track of turns, only after did we realise we should have played 8, not six, turns!)
Great game, look out for more soon. Especially as I now have characters for an African campaign too...



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