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X-Wing 2nd Edition try out. Four Imperial Tie Interceptors vs an X-Wing and two A-Wings.

Some three years ago, I played and really enjoyed a game of X-wing first edition. I swore to play more of this great game. Alas, lockdown put pay to that.

Three years later! Oops...
The last time I played was here (insert self-referential link here)
This time I got to take my Imperials. as Micheal at the Leighton Buzzard Wargames Club kindly agreed to take me through X-wing 2nd Edition. It has been enough time for me to forget the fancy rules of 1st Ed, and while the glorious basics remain the same, a lot of the later ship rules creep appears to have been eliminated. *Where changes are work commenting on, I will do it like this*
Rules downloaded, we decided to use Quick Build with a 8 threat force each. *The points are different values, with a free download of pre built ships and upgrades, so you know you will have roughly even values and not too much cheese, I like that a lot. Or you can build the old fashioned way to 200 points, using points on each card.*

My list was Soontir Fel (181st Wing stripes) level 6, Turr Phennir (Red interceptor) level 4 and two Alpha Squadron Pilots, level 1. Four Tie Interceptors, speed, firepower, dodginess (in both forms), not much hull, no shields, and a lot of fun. *Pilots only go to level 6 now, no more level 9 monsters*

Michael took Jek Porkins, two A-Wings, one level 4 and one level 3 (who I did not catch the names of, sorry).

Micheal's fun cloth out was placed out (we had to weigh it down due to a fan at my back, but three quid from the local fabric shp, this is genius!). Obstacles placed (or thrown), ships deployed, level 1 cannon fodder waved goodbye to. I outnumber the Rebels, but the level 1s move first, fire last and certainly will die first against much better pilots.

As is traditional, both sides engaged full-thrust and passed each other, on turn two we all half-looped and swang back at each other. Soontir and my Rank 1 causing passing hits on Porkins while he missed my level 1. Meanwhile, Turr ended up bumping the back of the Red A-Wing, but after shooting the blue and being dodged, Rebel shields were dropping. Micheal's rolls were pretty poor, my dodges against his shooting in this early stage were amazing.

My level 1 got really lucky and matched Porkins speed and manoeuvres, constantly landing more hits than his R4 could repair. Turr and the other level 0 drew a bead on the A-wings (although the Level 1 with 'ablative armour' managed to do more damage to himself bumping off the asteroid than he was doing to the A-Wings).

Fel returned to the fight, after taking the long way around, he and Turr scored hits on the Red A-Wing, disintegrating it.

The Blue A-Wing flew off and half-looped to return while Turr, Fel and a Level 1 TIE/In all concentrated fire on poor Porkins. It was the level 1 that offed him guvna!

After being chased around the table, the Blue A-Wing finally faces off with a Rank 1 Tie Interceptor, who dodges all hits, and then blows the A-Wing away. The level 1s will be promoted at this rate.

A great evenings gaming. Absolutely love these rules. Thank you Michael for a brilliant game. 

Were the rules very different? No. Did I enjoy them? Absolutely. Will I play again? Of course! I lost 5 points of damage all night, three were self-inflicted as my ships bounced off asteroids. Michael was incredibly unlucky with his shooting while I was utter spawny - all night. Sorry mate. Sure any rematch will see me being torn asunder!

As an aside, I have noticed, on more than one occasion, I decided to avoid the overly complex moves with my fighters, and try the easy route, and it worked, giving me great shooting positions by pure fluke. It's less stress (a factor in the game and life), but still ended up bumping fighters frequently. 

Also, I have real issues working out which way to turn my ships, especially when looking at a fighter from the wrong (front) side! Three times I sent fighters completely the wrong direction on a vital turn. Thankfully Tie Interceptors are so so forgiving due to being incredibly agile they can stay on table and not blunder off.


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