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15mm Renatio et Gloriam ECW Eastern Association vs Royalists 1643

*Warning - this thread contains unpainted figures which some wargamers might find upsetting!*

Rob invited me round for a game of Renatio et Gloriam (hence forwards to be refered to as ReG), as he wants to play more of it, which was the incentive I needed to finish my Parlimentarian army in 15mm that David had kindly given me. This would be Rob's second game, and my third, so we are bound to have made hundreds of mistakes. Forgive us all.

I gifted Rob the remaining third of David's army which gives Rob about 2/3 of his army (the undercoated ones), and you will also see quite a few of Manny's commission to bulk out the army, at least some are painted, a few were unpainted though (they are started, and nearly finished, now)!

Told you.

Terrain and deployment: Rob had a village and a wood, I had (off camera) rocky ground and ploughed fields. I out scouted Rob by 20%, and Rob deployed all his five infantry in what looked like a tercio! To their left were his guns, and between the woods and the village the bulk of his cavaliers and two units of dragoons. On my left are all four of my cavalry. My yellow pike and shot and a unit of dragoons lurked in the fields, knowing they were on a hiding to nothing having to delay all five enemy heavy infantry units before Rob smashed the rest of my army. My guns to their right, preying that Rob did not have any cavalry that would sweep round behind them, but his cavalry were in the centre-right! Not expecting that! My five other foot (including two superiors) lined up opposite the cavalry, wondering what they had done to upset the CinC. To their right, off camera, is another dragoon unit, thinking whether they could ride fast enough to get to the pub in the village before it all kicked off, or even last orders?.

Rob threw his superior, protected, aggresive, sword and pistol against my average pike and shot, all I could do was brace, change underwear and squeak. I was up on the charge, but down in the following melees. Eight cavalry vs 12 foot, it would be tight. Thankfully, my closing fire was a wound or two across the units.

It was one of those nights on the dice! Back to the five infantry mass on the left, which significantly out numbered my two units. I had five dice firing against Rob's unpainted unit, and somehow rolled three wounds and a pushback, equalling a three base pushback (each hit in ReG pushes back one BW, in ECW this is minus 1 for chequerboard trait), which forced them through the unit behind, causing KaBs too. Three wounds in ReG is a kill, so units have a touch more longevtiy, until KaBs. See that line of 7 shots coming back, Rob missed except for a hit on my dragoons. I mean, that is Nik level shooting on my part!

Rob had to spend his cards untangling the units, which meant he did not have the movement to adjust to this...
Two units of Cromwell's horse, plus Cromwell himself (a legendary CinC), smash into his flanks.

In what became the cry of the night: 'A skull and a wound!' Twice. That's another base gone (skull is two wounds in ReG, in MeG it is a base removed) on each unit. Rob did get a wound on black dice vs the lower unit.

On the left, my Parlimentarian horse (not quite as good as Cromwell's horse), sit back in their saddles, realising it might be a quiet night and maybe they should put the kettle on. Rob pushed forwards his centre cavalry, both sets of guns were slowly plugging away across table at a unit of infantry on each side, causing two wounds on mine. I was pulling a 'Longstreet' and my Red unit originally tasked with securing the right, counter marched behind the infantry line to the left, while on the right I pushed forwards my blue-greys, probably too far to be honest. The dragoons were in a duel to their right. The shock news was that despite being on white dice, my pike units facing the superior caviliers were winning having killed a base each in return for a wound!

My yellow pikes, rapidly realising they were not on their own, but now an integral and valued part of the front line, shot again, joined by the dragoons, forcing back one of Rob's pikes though his own lines again! I mean, three BW back twice on the bounce is just rude. Sorry Rob!

Even more embarressment for the Royalists as one of their elite cavalry crumples to a black dice wound (S wound in combat too)! (2-0)

Melee phase, and Rob only has cards to turn one base to fight me in the upper unit, the lower unit is more organised and gets two bases in, to which my cavalry expands. Each unit of his units takes another base of dead, and the lower unit breaks (4-0). He deals wounds back to me, but not as successfully as I was hitting him, the joys of even combats, this could have gone the other way very quickly!

With the one unit breaking, it forces KaBs on the other two nearby units. This is where ReG is more lethal than MeG as each KaB carries an automatic wound, then you roll on top. The unpainted unit also disntergrated (6-0), Cromwell eyes his next target, what was originally the middle unit of the five infantry.

The lower unit smashes home on the pursuit, looking at the huge hole in the Royalist pike dealt by a skull on the KaB test, followed by a wound, losing a base. The upper unit also pursues, and can see the fifth unit that has taken shooting KaBs from artillery and has lost a base.

If anyone ever had any doubt about Cromwell's legendary status, this was what he was dealt this turn!

The upper unit has to use the yellow card (it was 3.1 bases away) to gets its charge in, but Cromwell's horse know how to do their job and shatter the middle Royalist foot (8-0).

Which allows them to continue the charge straight into the second unpainted unit. The upper unit had rolled a skull and a wound their victims too.

On the right, the second superior cavalier fought on bravely (left lower) but my Grey-Blues had advanced too far, allowing Rob's average cavaliers to bracket them. and charge front and rear. The greens, rushing on from where the first superior cavalier broke, but it would be too late, the blue-greys would valiantly hold, despite Rob rolling a...

My superior red foot unit, after three games of not fighting (veterans, my foot), finally got involved in a combat, even as an overlap! They rolled the green that helps break the remaining superior cavaliers (12-0).

Remember the shooting duel between the dragoons? I had lost a base, Rob's had lost two (that's a general in his rear, some rumours say it may even have been the king himself), and my shooting was more effectie again, causing enough wounds to break the Royalist Dragoon (King's Dragoon Guards?) (14-0). This should have been the end, but we played on for a few more moments...

That moment was enough to see both units of Cromwell's horse crash through the last two Royalist pike and shot units (18-0), The Blue-Greys survived, as we did not fight the combat, and I was turning bases to fight the horse.

My total losses from the whole game, not including the camp. Six bases, one dragoon, two pike and shot were from Rob's attack on the Blure-Greys!
I was incredibly lucky, and Rob's dice were failry awful, but I was expecting his cavalry on my left where Cromwell was, and if so, he would have ridden over me I'm sure. I left a happy Rob with an army to paint, and we both need to pick up on quite a lot of minutiae in the rules, but it was a very good humoured game with lots of laughs all round. Rematch soon hopefully!


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