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Mortal Gods - Rematch vs Mark

Polykratos stared ahead at the approaching horde, they were back again, would they ever take a hint? After the last two encounters, he was not sure his Lochagos was ready to go again. Thankfully they had been joined by a unit of peltasts, some archers and, even more thankfully, another unit of light spears. Leandros drew his sword, hefted it for weight, winked and grinned at his old friend. To his right, Tychon the archer was organising the archers and peltasts to take the ruins. Polykratos also had positioned the slingers on the hill behind him, they were ready, and along with the Hoplites to his front, he knew it was going to be a tough fight...

Facing them were three units of hoplites and an awful lot of skirmishers! Polykratos knew his best hope was pinning that centre and dealing with the rest as quickly as possible. Both forces advanced at their best speed.

Within moments, arrows from the archers and Tychon thrummed through the air, downing the enemy Lochos! His shield failed him, and arrows buried themselves into his leg. A light hoplite had fallen to enemy javelins, but they were guarding the archers, doing their job well.

Arrows and javelins flew through the air, an enemy skirmisher fell, but an archer also was hit, Tychon shook his head, new recruits!

In reply, an enemy group of skirmishers was cut down by Tychon's accurate fire!

As the enemy Lochogos struggled back up to see two units of his skirmishers departing into the distance and himself exposed.

His 2iC tried to sneak round the back of the Hoplites in shieldwall, but as he did, sling stones rattled off his helmet as four hits came in from the hill distracting him from cutting down hoplites.

And then the archers, not to be outdone, landed four hits on a skirmisher unit!

Hoplites clashed into hoplites aiding the enemy Lochagos pushed back the loyal light hoplites, another fell. Polykratos knew they were in trouble, Leandros sprinted over to assist. The Waters of Pythia however meant he would be unable to save against many hits as all heroes were down a dice on defence!

Leandros was brought low by enemy javelins, and his helmet cracked on the ground, gushing blood. The light hoplites took fright and fell back behind the archers and ruins.

The enemy Lochagos was cut down again by the archers arrows, falling to his fate in Hades. Polykratos moved to deal with the errant enemy 2iC while hoplites shoved into each other. The Waters of Pythia stirred as that Omen was discarded.

As they did, the Gods laughed, Omens were drawn, a thick fog descended upon the field, making it almost impossible to see each other, many times they tried to charge each other, and they failed to find each other, despite being only the length of a spear away!

Polykratos, despite many arrows thrumming through the fog towards him, waded in to the enemy 2iC, landing hit after hit, shattering his shield and putting him down.

Enemy hoplites piled into the archers, determined that their fighting prowess would smash the troublesome archers to pieces. The archers somehow managed to evade the spears and duck back into the ruins.

The enemy hoplites charged the shieild wall, inflicting a massive five hits.

However, the saves failed, the Hoplites were doomed from a single attack, however, their prayers and sacrifices paid off, and Polykratos knew that tonight all the local Gods would dine well as the enemy failed to convert

With a mighty strike, Polykratos despatched the striken 2iC, and the enemy disappeared into the fog.

Polykratos looked down at him, as the last of his breath eased out of his body. "Poor you. Hope you have a good ride over the Styx."

The Lochogos settled down for the night, quail roasting over a fire, toasting each other with the reddest of wines, a hard won victory deserved sacrifices. Polykratos shrugged, sharpened his sword, Tychon shoved the recumberant form of Leandros as he snored, recovering from his wounds.
"Will he ever not get beaten up?" the archer enquired, "He keeps doing this!"
"At least while he's out he isn't talking or making bad jokes!" Polkratos mused "There's always a positive in this."
"Oi, I heard that!"

So Mark and I met up again, this time at Leighton Buzzard Wargames Group, where we set up for Mortal Gods with an extra 100 points (so 400). A storming game, I held back my heroes this time, and Mark came on strong with his, I was impressed with the slingers amd archers (boosted by the proximity of Tychon), the hoplites were working hard, but the Omens (we had about 10 of them, mostly negative, all hilarious) really were showing their strengths, but a well fought rematch. Loved it!


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