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Brighton et Gloriam MeG 500BC-200AD Game 3 vs James & Ancient British

This was James McMeiken's first competition, he was doing well, after chasing Jason round the
 table and had smacked Robin around a bit too!

So, is it Ancient British with Roman allies, or Romans with a British delivery system?
Those exceptionals will be a tough nut to crack!

Beautifully painted army by James!

Deployment, back inn out comfortable desert, or was it on the sands of the beach? James had an area of rocky ground, a wood, and all my terrain stuff fell in the sea!

The armies close quickly, his legionarii lead the way, with his cavalry flank pinning to my right. I advanced my two small average legions to pin the British hordes, while my superior troops move to take on the better Imperial Romans.

Our lines form up, who will bow or break first?

Legions clash with legions. On the left are my average 5, who lost a base at impact, while my superiors spread out to link up with them, and actually do two kills of the exceptionals on the way, that was unexpected!

Italian infantry clash with ancient Brits, my other average legion clash and survive the devastating charge of James's foot.

James sits at javelin range, and my legions and Triarii form Tercio, negating much of the shooting coming in.

Superior Warband vs elephants. Elephants 1-0 up! 

My Italian infantry find a tasty flank on the British warriors, after taking hits from a swarm of slingers! .  

So tasty that they burst straight through, and then immediately break the next unit too! Suddenly I am 4-0 up, and looking longingly at out next two targets!

Meanwhile, poor slingers break average Velites! Shock! Horror! Probe!

But I cannot shift his average auxilia, no matter that I am superior melee experts, he with average melee experts. He kept healing, I kept missing! Behind lurks a second line of British warriors. 'Crunchy on the outside, soft in the middle'! 

You shoot me, I'll buy that wound off. Lots of staring at each other.

Warming up for the next charge, my Italians look lovingly at the flank of the Exceptional legionaries.

But eventually, the exceptionals break, my two average legions charge his warbands. James is fresh, my units are rather beaten up, this will be interesting. (6-1) Yeah, it did not go well, and James picked up two well deserved units. (6-5)

His charge against my Italians does not go to plan, especially when my elephants, despite taking damage, crash into his flanks. (8-5) 

James throws in his chariot wing, attacking superior long spear with chariots and melee experts cavalry and soon they break. (15-5)

James had accidental stumbled on a very powerful list, it was a beauty, significantly added to by some great painting too.

I lost three units, and was significantly weakened by shooting on three others, plus one of my 8 stand superior legions, my elephants and Pedites Exceptionali were within a hit of breaking, which would have ended the game in James' favour.

Onto Round 4, having gone from 10 points up to 25, things were looking up!


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