Just a dump of information I sent/recieved from the players in this scenario.
General brief - Prussian players.
Subject: Re: Prussian orders
I, personally, will
be at E with the 11th regt and 3rd Hussars I will order them both
forward to attack the 1st redoubt on the hill, then on to the second
24th Regt will be ordered to move rapidly on the first
redoubt to support 11th regt's left flank then support the attack on
second redoubt.
64th Regt will be ordered to echelon left to protect 11th regt's right flank from the enemy infantry to 64th regt's front.
the redoubts are taken all three regts will attack the large force of
enemy shown on the map. ie turn East (24th should clear Bierborstel on
the way). Push the enemy off the map
I will send a mounted officer to K to order the 6th Cuirassiers & 4th Hussars to entertain the enemy to their front, preventing them from moving west.
Brigadier Friedrich von Tegetthoff
(at B) to commence bombardment of enemy redoubts. Once assault on
redoubts complete to reposition and give fire supporting attack on
35th Infantry (at D) assault redoubts after 1 hours bombardment then move and take Bierborstel
60th Infantry
(at H) to attack into woods to front then to swing round to the North,
outflanking Bierborstel and driving off any enemy.
Brigade HQ to accompany 35th infantry.
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