Suspect there are menat to be more per base, but it suits my denuded them.

I regret not doing one with plates!


It's all gone a bit Judge Dredd!

Terrain box (Civitas ruins) painted up
Honestly took me longer to build it than it did to paint!
But there may be a reason for that
Someone needs a word with their structural surveyor!
I mean, the build quality here is awful.
At least the marines will have somewhere to hide
It's about an A3 of ruined stuff
It's been trashed
Comes with a lot of scatter
The rest of the club was doing it, so I had to do it!
Looking through the various Legions from the Horus Herasy, I decided... Nope. Don't like them. Stick to what you know. 'Stick 'Em In The Eye - It's the Emperor's Pointy Sticks'
So, seven years after I painted the 'Emperor's Pointy Sticks' in 6mm, GW have released Legion Imperialis in 8mm.

Mixed bag

About 100 extra points on table!

"Did I miss the photoshoot?"


Top view - these are the 'offical GW ones'

Leviathon seige dreadnoughts

Front on

Nearly 20mm these

Heraldry on

Back view

Swear two of them are armed with tennis balls!

Rapier batteries

Not easy to assemble, and yes, some are squiffy!

Dakka Dakka

Other dreadnoughts

Side view

Back view

Suspect these are the Austin Allegro of the Warhammer world!

Land raiders

Off they go

Yes, there are turn signals on one of them...

And one of the sponsons is upsidedown!

The whole batch

Plasma armed marines

Top view

Back view



Top down

Heraldry just visible

Back view

Assault marines

Dropping in for trouble

Top view

Big jet packs

Missile armed troops


Quite a lot of pointing blokes

Tactical marines

Top down again

Back view

Stick 'em in the eye!


Top down


Back view

Advancing the other way


Cloaks a flapping

Get 'em lads!

Starting with vehicles
The whole batch!
Sirican tanks - whatever they are!
With spare turrets
Top view
Going left
And to the right
Back view
Comparing the old Rhino and the new
10 of them
Top down
Lot of transport
Not perfect, but nor were the originals!
Rhino rush!
Predator tanky things with optional turrets
Top view
My view
Anyone else getting angry ladybirds?
Comparison with the originals (kindly provided by one of our forum)
3d printed tarantulas
Autonimous fire support and AA
Don't want to fly over that!
Airpower seems to be a thing in the new rules, so some 3d printed Xipon fighters
Yes, those are 6" rods from Pendraken, utterly impractical, but it's the EPS, so it has to be done!
Neeeeeoooow! Dakkadakka!
Which forces to use? Imperial or Chaos? Which marine chapter, I think you can guess. The answer to that will come later...

Top view

Malacor tanks




Lemun Russ(essses)

Face on

Top down

Turrets and hulls are interchangable

Back view


Okay, it was the one GW rules set I used to really play a lot and enjoy in the 90s. When the new version came out, adding in my Titans, it was all good I guess, especially as a lot of the Leighton Buzzard guys had already got it (always late to the party).
Plus Timecast stock it, so I'm helping out old mates, honest!
Aaaaaannnnnyway, I really could not work out what colours to paint the 'Solar Auxilia', which appear to be upgraded Imperial Guard. I wanted to avoid the Cthonian Headhunter chaos stuff. I was stuck. Then I had a thought, the sets come with banners. What banners to usewas the question, in eend, I plumped for the original...
Mass effect of the set

Kind of works with First edition box art.

Top view

Focus on the bosses why don't ya!

First edition Imperial Guard had banners. Why not do the Auxilia as First edition Guard?
Like these...

Gives you mass effect.

Yes, they are meant to be five to a base, but four is fun too, and gets you more bases.

Top view, camo actually kind of works!

Lazrifles a-go-go

Back view

Yellow stripes on lids equates to command, commanders wear bronze breastplates like 1st edition command figures. Red stripes are tactical

Flamer types (blue stripes as support troops)

Top view

Back view

About to get toasty.

So, you're a waffle man!

And what says assualt troops better than green stripes and two handed axes?

Top view


Elites with an axe to grind

Swing low...

Ogryn types

Managed to lose a body, as I had stuck it on backwards and then it pinged off. So, a quick replacement with a Pendraken head and body from the new sci-fi tank. That's why one looks a little odd.

Top view

Tanks of something.

Tanks for the memories

Bit vicious

Sentinal walkers

Armoured boys. I suspct the missile pods are attached wrong, but hey-ho!

Back view

Fire support on two legs

Top view

Command stands, flags based on original box illustrations

These ones


Back view

Over there lads!

Boss dudes

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