Lee asked me to paint up extra forces for his AWI collection so he can also play 'Live Free or Die'.
Lee's Hessians done, all figures by Pendraken in 10mm flags by Vaubanner. The column approaches.
1st Combined Grenadier Regt
Top view
In line
Almost wide to deploy in line for my light box!
Off they go
Looking good
Fusilier Regt von Dittfurth
From up high
Nice looking troops
Column advances
Just, go that, way!
Sarge, we're going round in circles
Grenadier Regiment Rall, at ease
Thin blue line?
The chords really make these figures pop
sure they actually carried colours, but the pack came with a standard
bearer, and after a bit of searching, I found something probable.
Everyone's favourite, the Jagers
Blending in, almost
Player's eye view
The whole batch
British light infantry done and added to Lee's collection.

Again, mixed facings as they were consolidated units.

Top view

Made of firing and advancing plus command figures

Quite a few of them really!

19 bases

British 'line' infantry units. Took me a while, as I had a crisis of 'ohhh shiney' and painted three other things before I got to the cuff lace stripe painting stage!
Six units of five bases, and because I miscounted, one extra base!

Lots and lots of 'em!

For ease of viewing, half batches...
Two blue faced units and a white

Top down

Quick, stand still

About face

Back view

Two yellow facing units and The Buffs

Player's view

Top view

Get 'em lads!

Oi! You! Turn with the others!

The greens (there are green grenadiers and will be green light infantry, which can be combined into a rather understrength units)

He went thataway!

Started with British and their grenadiers - all different facings as they were consolidated from units in theatre.
Top-ish view
Back view
Main British infantry units not far off being done too.
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