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Burrows and Badgers: Sneak attack! Freeferrets vs Barbaric Pedestrians

"So," Sir Dereck poked the fire with the poker, putting it to one side and looking at the Freeferrets around the camp, "what was the main rule for dealing with the Barbaric Pedestrians?"

Teddy looked at the others, and raised a whiskered eyebrow, "Get in quick?"

Harry the Weasel looked up from his flagon, "Hit 'em 'ard?"

"Get out quick?" Matilda continued, before taking a drink from her flask.

"And..." The old knight waited.

"Get the money from the villagers in advance for clearing out the other gang as quickly as possible?" Ron the Weasel finished.

Sir Dereck groaned, and looked up at the gang. "The job was simple, force out the Barbaric Pedestrians, and walk away with a good purse of cash!"

"I mean, we shadowed them, got in a good position, then we all got the drop on 'alf of 'em as they were patrolling round," Ron looked puzzled (but he always did). "I mean, I got a good shot in on Frog straight away."

"I mean, he still ran off to get 'ealed," Eddy grinned. "I was tracking D'Owl, he's still not got all his kit back from when we had him hostage, and he's nicely delicate. Hoping for a quick hit and out"

Smalls lay back, warming his feet by the fire. "Me, you and Matilda had Badger in our sights, the three of us might have taken her down. Maybe. If we had a mage who could cast fury, maybe."

"Shame Kye and Badger moved really quickly to where we both were, I was rather busy, ". Teddy the Mage looked at Harry the Weasel.

"Yeah, D'Owl was a bit close too, and Frog was trying to hide from me," Eddy moaned, "they were meant to be patrolling, not playing hide and seek!".

"And I got D'owl with anuva crossbow bolt, it was good 'unting day!" Ron continued.

"Normally you can't hit a barn door," laughed Neddy, the more experienced archer.

"Yeah, well,  while you were having target practise, some of us were having to deal with an angry badger in your face, " Teddy the mage added, "Glad you were nearby." He looked at Sir Dereck and Harry.

Looking pleased with himself, Eddy nodded, "Good shot Brova, you nearly took out Frog on the way past."

"Being hit by Kyle the Kite and a Badger was scary", Teddy the mage added, "it was hurting too".
"Good swing against Frog, Smalls!" Eddy nodded.
"Why thank you." 

Matilda looked at the mage and frowned, "Sorry, we were all tied up with that Badger."
The stoat grinned, "So much for Sir Derek's plan!"
Eddy added "Tried taking on D'Owl too."

"Did anyone spot Squizzel the Squirrel arriving?" Rob asked 
"Just be glad it wasn't Honey the hound!" Neddy laughed, "we would have been in even more trouble if she was!"
"Wasn't fair, D'Owl legged it to get healed." Eddy mumbled under his breath.

"Anyway, you didn't follow your own rules, Sir Derek," Matilda laughed, "we were all fighting that kite and badger. Even Smalls joined us"

"Honey was so late, she might as well have been  asleep on the sofa!" Smalls laughed, "then she had to go to a council meeting, it was pretty quiet without her berserk howling and snarling!"  

"Was within metres of decking their mage, when I got pounced on by that owl." Eddy continued monologuing. 

"It was good hunting out there," Rob the weasel laughed "I was in a shooting duel with Squizzel."

"We were both targeting each other through the house on stilts." He continued laughing, "most of the squirrels arrows were buried into the stilts.".

"Agreed, the shooting was good," Neddy uttered, "that Mage was definitely busy catching my crossbow bolts;" 

Smalls grinned "Glad we took down that kite too, yes a bit nasty! Four of us couldn't hit that badger at all. But we had to scarper as the watch were on their way" 

"You still haven't told me the main rule for dealing with the Barbaric Pedestrians," Sir Dereck steepled his paws and looked at the others.



"Can't remember."

"Don't look at me!"

"I'm new here, don't ask me." 

"It's easy, do not get involved with a long fight against that badger!"

"Ooooh!" The gang responded sarcastically as the old knight slapped his forehead in disbelief. 

"We took so long that we did not shift the gang, and only got half money!" Sir Derek moaned 

"Erm, anyway, what do we do with a panda captive?" Eeddy enquired.

"Go through his pockets and nick his stuff is the usual idea l " Smalls grinned 

"We prey Honey is not in a bad mood when she comes looking for us, or she will tear us apart!" Sir Dereck groaned, shaking his whiskered head.


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