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Xenos Rampant: Xenomorphs vs Battle Droids in Fighting Withdrawl

 Stephen and I got together at the Leighton Buzzard club for a game of Xenos Rampant.

He was using Star Wars Legion Battle Droids, I was using Aliens from Another Glorious Day In The Corps. You've got to live these rules, if only for that! 

I had one large swarm and two small swarms of lesser Xenomorphs, all infiltrators, all cunning (boosted defense), all slow and hive mind. I also had the Queen, Greater Xenomorph, razor sharp claws, cunning and infiltrate too. She rolled a 1 on the Aggressive commander roll, and got 'no attacks, unless wild charge' rule!

Stephen had two 10 droid squads of lights (B1s), a squad of B2 Super Battle Droids (heavy infantry), General Grevous (Elite) and a Droid battle tank (tank, surprisingly). All 'mechanoid', so no morale until under half strength, when a double on an activation roll = shutdown mode engaged.

We put out 4' of terrain, and before you could say "ROGER ROGER" rolled 'Fighting Withdrawal'. Technically, as defender, I can get all my troops off table by the end of turn 1 for an easy, but boring, win (10+d6 infiltrate move, then a 10" move). But where was the fun in that? So my Aliens, sensing movement, charged in.

Yup, that is a scary piece of kit! My aliens wander how to eat one of those.

From here on in, this was all the space we needed on table! All our lovely terrain, just sitting there, looking good while a 5" strip was fought iver. As is traditional, one squad of aliens goes skip diving!

The whole table, just to prove we did have a set up going on.

The skip divers decide not to 'wild charge', or attack the B1 droids to the left, ending my activation. My Queen had decided not to 'wild charge' either! B2 Superbattledroids move to be able to shoot alien warriors at short range but 'Hive Mind gifts them a courage of 0+ when within her pheromone range (12"), so the survivors stand there, shrug, and discuss what to have for dinner.

A semi-successful assault sees the Alien warriors lose two more drones, while the B2's loose two of their number to alien wounds.

My large swarm is charged by B1 droids. This went as well as you would think, with the B1s definitely less in number than when they started! 

Large swarm replies in kind, and finished the B1s off, then spent a while debating among themselves about how they explain to mother that you can't impregnate a droid.

General Grievous, elite as he is, faces off against Her Highness. Beneath them, the last two Aliens of a small swarm are in a stand-off with the remaining B2 Super-duper-battle-droids.

Although the tank, not having moved due to needing to fire, targets the remains other small swarm in the shattered building.

The B2 rather-more-than-adequate-droids are down to their last droid, but so are their facing swarm. The Queen and Grievous continue brawling  My big swarm closes on the druid general from behind  The remaining B1s are under half strength due to repeated charges 

The Queen, hit by artillery, and Grevous's blaster fire, is surpressed (marked by a depressed android). Under this amount of firepower, she does not last long. 

The B1s, under half strength, roll to motivate to shoot, but roll a double. This means droids deactivate and shut down. 

Leaving a rather beaten up squad Vs an untouched tank! If you are understrength, you can only do five hits, and tanks have armour of six! C'est la vie!

Grevous, comically pursued by the large alien squad, hides behind the tank which has Tokyo drifted round onto the street. 

 The game times out with a big win for Stephen. Great game and two very different forces, neither having much morale tests made for a bruising encounter. Definitely one to repeat. 


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