Okay, I gave in!
Bought and started a division of 1815 Prussians in 10mm.
Bought and started a division of 1815 Prussians in 10mm.
1. Pommern Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment, 2nd Cavalry Brigade, IV Corps Cavalry
Yes, Landwehr in grey with white facings!
Apart from the musician, who has aquired a natty paid of blue trousers!
Yes, Landwehr in grey with white facings!
Apart from the musician, who has aquired a natty paid of blue trousers!
Advancing right
1. Bataillon, 11. (2. Schlesien) Infanterie Regiment, 14th Brigade, IV Corps, Prussian army at Waterloo
Advancing in line
A BIG photo dump coming in here!
A while back I asked on the Pendraken forum what 12lbers to use for Prussians? The guys came up trumps, so here they are painted up with line crew.
From the front
I don't want to stand here!
A much better place to stand
Top view
3. Bataillon, 2. Neumark Landwehr Regiment
That gives me the whole regiment.
It's quite a line
Top view
10. Husaren Regiment
Lovely figures to paint
Good poses, but what do you expect from Hussars?
Hussars in line
Karl Georg Albrecht Ernst von Hake, Gen 13th Brig, IV Corps
Waiting for progress
Off you go lads
That way!
A few units that do not belong to IV Corps
7. Uhlanen Regiment
A fine looking unit
This way?
Or that way?
Off they go
My view
7. Dragoner Regiment
I know there were only two dragoon units fielded during the Waterloo Campaign, so here's one of them!
Top view
My view
A while back I asked on the Pendraken forum what 12lbers to use for Prussians? The guys came up trumps, so here they are painted up with line crew.
From the front
I don't want to stand here!
A much better place to stand
Top view
3. Bataillon, 2. Neumark Landwehr Regiment
That gives me the whole regiment.
It's quite a line
Top view
10. Husaren Regiment
Lovely figures to paint
Good poses, but what do you expect from Hussars?
Hussars in line
Karl Georg Albrecht Ernst von Hake, Gen 13th Brig, IV Corps
Waiting for progress
Off you go lads
That way!
A few units that do not belong to IV Corps
7. Uhlanen Regiment
A fine looking unit
This way?
Or that way?
Off they go
My view
7. Dragoner Regiment
I know there were only two dragoon units fielded during the Waterloo Campaign, so here's one of them!
Top view
My view
1st Landwehr infantry unit, 2.Bataillon, 2. Neumark Landwehr Regiment
Top down
Its a lot of dark blue really
1. West Prussian Uhlanen Regiment, IV Corps Cavalry
Lances ready
Wait... Oh go on then!
Top down
Its a lot of dark blue really
1. West Prussian Uhlanen Regiment, IV Corps Cavalry
Lances ready
Wait... Oh go on then!
1st Landwehr infantry unit, 1.Bataillon, 2. Neumark Landwehr Regiment
Top view
Back view
That's a good view
Regimental Officer
Top view
Back view
That's a good view
Regimental Officer
Some of these you will have seen in the Pendraken painting competition, but the Landwehr and artillery are new!
1. & 2. Neumark Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
Not the best cavalry in the Napoleonic world, but they are cheap and do a vital job
von Watdorff
Which way?
Three batteries of 6lber artillery
Why am I humming the Pippin Fort tune?
I did sort the gunners on the end stand after seeing this!
1. & 2. Neumark Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
Not the best cavalry in the Napoleonic world, but they are cheap and do a vital job
von Watdorff
Which way?
Three batteries of 6lber artillery
Why am I humming the Pippin Fort tune?
I did sort the gunners on the end stand after seeing this!
Prussian IV Corps 13th Brigade under command of Hake, 1,2, Fuisillier Bataillon, 10. (1. Schlesien) Infanterie Regiment at Placenoit, 18th June 1815 - all figures and flags by Pendraken
Fuisillier Bataillon.
1. Bataillon.
2. Bataillon.
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