Nik asked me to paint his WW1 Germans and British, so with a spare five minutes in my schedule, here they are.
An infantry unit with machine gun stand

Yes, I did do cuffs, collars, facings, tail piping, trouser seams and helmet numbers!

Top view

But where one goes, they do not go alone. All six units of infantry

Not bad since I only started them last Monday

Top view

Because they would not fit in the light box with their infantry, all six machine gun attachements

Do not want to be down range of that

Uhlans with their attached machine guns

Fun fact I did not know, German cavalry used tubular steel lances in WW1!

The line

Player's view

German gun line

Gunners being busy

Top view

Spot the deliberate mistake?

Nik and I realised the gun shields are on backwards (Nik blamed a 'Red Wine incident'), I tried to take them apart but they were stuck fast!
Commanders (I know it's terribly unhistoric, but the temptation to do a couple of uncovered Pucklehaubs was too much)

Back of the commanders

Of course, they need suitable opposition. Here are the British.
Love them - you've done a great job on these :)